Chapter 13

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After Mr. L wrapped his speech, I slowly made my way towards my parents, silently hoping for Andreas to approach me while also subtly glancing everywhere to look for him.

I was halfway through my journey when an arm was suddenly draped over me and a waft of a familiar cologne engulfed me and I knew exactly who it was. "Hey Andreas, I didn't see you earlier? Where were you seating?" I asked him failing to hide my goofy grin upon seeing him.

"On the third row, we couldn't seat on the front row like I told you. I'm sorry boo. The front rows were already reserve for family or someone you registered or something. You should write my name too next time then I'd get to sit there and witness all your Lead role glory first row style, though third row wasn't bad. You were incredible there" He told me hugging me close to his body.

I smiled widely at him but then noticed someone walking alongside him, too close to be considered as coincidental, so I assumed it was Sam. To be honest I didn't really expect Sam to look a certain way but I also didn't expect him to have bloody red hair and freckles. Oh my gosh. He looks like Ron Weasley, I thought which isn't a bad thing since I kinda liked Rupert while I was in my Harry Potter phase.

"Uh Hi... Sam?" I said because I felt awkward not acknowledging him while he was just walking there with us.

"Bonjour, monsieur Alexander Hamilton, je dois vous dire que vous étiez incroyable là-bas. J'ai été très impressionné."

"Uh...haha. I don't speak French but I do like French food. I'm Ezekiel" I said joking at the end and couldn't help but look at Andreas like wtf your date is speaking French and I don't know how to respond to which he just laughed and hit his arm playfully saying "cut it out Sam"

"I'm sorry. You're French just sounded so flawless on stage. I thought you knew the language. And Oui, I know. Andreas hasn't stop mentioning how great you were and keep making starry eyes at you on stage. Seriously man, just ask him out already!" He said with a European accent, getting a sharp jab from Andreas while he muttered a "did not"

I smiled at the revelation. Ha! Take that boyfriend stealer. Oh. Wait. I meant friend stealer.

"Really? Thanks. I really appreciate it especially coming from someone who knows the language" I answered him pleasantly still grinning wide, still high on adrenaline from the play and the revelation.

We were nearing my folks and the exit now when Sam said "Well boys, I already did what I had to do. I came here expecting a good time and was given a splendid time. You are really good Ezekiel but I have to leave. My flight leaves in 4 hours and I have yet to check in" he said kissing both of my cheeks and Andreas'.

We finally reached my folks and everyone was congratulating me and after it all winded down my mom said looking at Andreas "So how was making Ezekiel your background entertainment while you make googly eyes to your date?" then whispered conspiringly at dad "That was what he said, right? Googly or is it hearty?" making dad laugh out loud.

"Mom!" I said exasperated while Andreas just looked confused.

"I'm sorry ma? But what date? Oh... You meant Sam. Nah, Sam is Danny's friend visiting and wanted to see the beautiful sights here so I brought him to see Zeke" He said winking at me. Okay then I thought blushing. What is wrong with me?

"Come on then sons, let's have lunch" My dad said leading my mom out with us following.

"I brought my car" Andreas said once we were on the parking lot.

"Ezekiel, Come with him. We're eating at Oliver's" my mom said while walking. I nodded and followed Andreas to his truck.

"So... background entertainment?" he said while turning the engine on. I banged my head on the dashboard and mumbled "Kill me now" while he chuckled.

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