7.5 I've Missed You.

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Chapter 7.5

Come back and tell me why, I'm feeling like I've missed you all this time...



I set Jessica's suitcase down beside her as she hands the woman at the desk her passport and boarding ticket. "Thanks," She smiles at me. She sports a Jimmy Hendrix cut off tee and torn light blue jeans with her favorite red and black Jordan's. 

"You're welcome," I say with a smile. The woman hands her back her information. She turns to me gathering her jet-black waves over one shoulder with an apologetic look. 

"I'm sorry it was so last minute, I know you wanted us to go to that new bar together." She puts her passport and checked boarding pass away. 

"Jess, don't worry about it. We can go when you come back right? The bar isn't going anywhere." 

"I know, I know but you seem like you really wanted to go with me." I take hold of both of her shoulders. 

"Babe, it's ok. I can wait, besides, I have to catch up on a few episodes of Game of Thrones anyway I'm so behind." I chuckle. 

"That is true," she says a mischievous smile coming across her face. 

"You watched ahead without me didn't you," I say raising an eyebrow as I bring me lips together in my 'you're fucking with me' face.

"Maybe," I hold my gaze and hers slips. "Ok, ok I watched ahead but only because I had some free time on my hands between my shoots and because you were taking to long. I had to know what happened." 

"Come on Jess!" I tease. "We were supposed to watch the rest of the season together!" 

"I know, I'm sorry." She steps closer to me. "You're such a baby." she kisses me delicately. "I'll be back soon." 

"I know," I say kissing her back. She runs her hands through my curls and I slip my hands around her waist my fingertips against the bare skin of her lower back. We share one more kiss. "Bye."

"Bye Jess," I say back releasing her. She steps through the open door with her suitcase rolling behind her. When she's out of slight I make my way back out of the airport as inconspicuously as we entered, drawing as little attention to myself as possible. I climb in to my Honda Civic and drive back home.

Before I can even put my keys in the door, I hear G barking.


"Hey," I  say as the phone picks up. 

"Hey Bru, what's up?" Rosi says back.

"Trying to figure out my Saturday night since am now dateless," I say  flipping through episodes of the third season of 'Game Of Thrones'.

"Aw what happen? Jessica does't  want to hang out with you?" She laughs mockingly; I can hear her smile. 

"Um, why was that necessary? And no that's not what happened." 

"Alright I give, what is it? Does she have to work?"

"You got it. She has an over seas shoot to do." 

"Rough, have you talked to the guys? Phil? Maybe they can accompany you on your Saturday night ventures. What were you planning on doing anyway?"

"Just wanted to check out this new club & bar that just opened. Jess said that she would go with me but the shoot came up at the last minute and now I have no one to go with. Plus, Phil is spending time with the wife and kids and it's like all the guys decided to spend time focusing on other things.

"Sorry to hear that. Ooo, do you mean 'The End Up'? I've heard of that place. It's supposed to be nice." 

"Yeah," I say choosing an episode as I get up and head to the kitchen to take my taquitos out of the oven. I set the phone in the crook of my shoulder and grab a cream soda from the fridge before closing it with my foot and walking back over to the couch. 

"Why don't you two go together when she gets back? It's not that big of a deal, it's not like they're only going to have discounted drinks on opening night." 

"You're right," I say putting the phone on speaker, then I set it on the coffee table. "Drinks are free on opening night." 

"Daaaamn! They are?" 

"Yeah, you know I can't miss that!" 

"You right, you right."

"Rosi, what are you doing Saturday night?" 

"Doing over time, I have to make the final decisions on some shoot photos, there are so many," she sighs, I can hear the stress laced in her voice. 

"Come on Rosi, you've been working our ass off this week, I've barely been able to reach you. You deserve a break, come to the grand opening with me."

"Bru, I can't have to get these things done so that the line can come out." 

"Rosi," I whine. "Come on, you know you want to check it out too. You can't turn down free drinks, you just can't!" 

"Bruno," she says. 

"Rosi," I say back, still teasing. 

"Alright, alright fine; I go with you!" 


"What time do you want me to meet you there?" 

"8:00 is good."

"Cool, 8:00 it is." the line goes quiet. "By-" 

"Before you go, there's one other thing I wanted to tell you." 

"Sure, what is it?" 

"I've missed you Rosi. It's been really good being able to hang out with you these past couple of months. I've wondered where you've been since high school and I'm really happy you were able to make it to the reunion." 

"I've missed you too Bru and of course I made it to the reunion why wouldn't I," She says. I chuckle a little. "It's been good spending time with you Bru."

"See you at The End up."

"Yeah, see you there." with that I hang up the phone and take a bite of yet another taquito. 


L P.O.V.

I set my phone back down on the table in front of me before I turn back to my mannequin and continue adjust the hem of my new dress. After adding the last few pins I take a step back and survey the dress in its entirety.  A smile makes its way across my face.

"I guess I'll get to wear this little number sooner than I thought." I say to myself. I get the dress my old fashioned sewing machine and sew the stitches I marked with the pins. Afterward, I make sure that visually everything seems to be in place. Then I try the dress on and step in front of my lengthwise mirror. Admiring the flow of the dress I turn, stopping at every angle. 

This came out even better than I thought...

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