Chapter 19

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Sofia Robbin Sloan Torres was a beautiful baby, even with her tiny shape and features. She was so delicate, I thought she might break when I touched her hand lightly. She was such a strong baby, my eyes brimmed with tears the first time I laid eyes on her. I was so thrilled when Callie pulled through and woke up, agreeing to marry Arizona. I was asked to be the Maid of Honor at their wedding, a position to which I was grateful to take on. 

I tried not to be negative about the wedding, and kept in my best spirits. I was really involved with all of the wedding planning, trying to make the day as perfect for Callie and Arizona as possible. They deserved it, after all they'd been through. 

Alex and I were finally at a good point again, he decided he could live with the fact that I didn't want to get hitched, and it seemed that there was nothing possibly now which could break our happy little world. Everything was great.

Two days before the wedding, Arizona's parents invited me round to Callie and Arizona's apartment to practice for the wedding ceremony. I was to walk down the aisle first, whilst carrying Sofia with me. Mark would be in position already near the altar. Arizona and her father would walk down the aisle next, with Callie and her father following. 

I noticed that Lucia, Callie's mother, was acting with a sense of disdain towards Sofia and generally everything. I wasn't sure whether it was because of Callie's sexuality, how Mark was the baby's dad, or because she didn't like Mark or Arizona or I, but she was definitely acting awkward. It kind of ruined the whole happy mood of the wedding, and I pitied Callie and Arizona, for it was their special day.

The next day, Callie called me sounding upset. It was her parents. Lucia had left because she couldn't handle the fact that Callie was bisexual and had a child out of wedlock. Her dad had left because Callie told him to or else Lucia would get upset. I had never had a stronger distaste for someone then. Lucia was no mother. 

"I just don't see how she could do this to me. I'm her daughter, she's supposed to be the one person I can go to anything for!" Callie cried, and then she started ranting in Spanish that I obviously did not understand. I let her cry and vent to me, and then I hugged her in comfort. Her wedding was the next day, and I couldn't have one of the brides crying when saying her vows.

The next morning, I awoke on Callie's couch, having stayed over the night before. When I woke up, I had a sudden, lurching feeling in my stomach. It was a familiar feeling, having been an alcoholic so many years ago. I clapped my hand over my mouth and hurtled into the bathroom. I leaned over the toilet and threw up. It was odd, I was throwing up but I didn't feel sick. When I was done throwing up the contents of my stomach, I collapsed beside the toilet and placed a hand on my now sweating forehead. I shrugged it off, and blamed it on the wine I'd shared with Callie the previous night. 

I got up, and travelled back to the kitchen/living room. I decided that I was craving bacon, and fried up a few rashers of bacon, saving a few for the bride-to-be who was still snoring in the next room. I gobbled up the bacon, still not feeling full up from food. I grabbed some more to eat, simply presuming I just had bad PMS. I turned on the television and started watching Jerry Springer. The one show that gave me a boost of confidence, because at least my life wasn't as dramatic anymore. 

Callie woke up a short while later, trailing into the kitchen. "I don't want to get married, Maia," she complained, grabbing her plate of bacon from the counter and joining me on the couch. 

"You can't just do that to Arizona," I reminded her, sighing.

"You did it to Alex," she retorted.

"Hardly! I didn't accept his proposal in the first place!" I scoffed, making her sigh. She rubbed her hand over her face and groaned.

"I can't even be bothered," she complained.

I Shouldn't Love You Anymore | Alex Karev |Where stories live. Discover now