Chapter 18

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"You're what?" I screeched. I was thrilled.

"I'm pregnant, Maia," Callie repeated as if she thought I didn't hear. I heard her perfectly fine, I couldn't have possibly heard better. I squealed and hugged her, and congratulated her. 

"Where's Arizona? We need to celebrate, though of course you obviously can't drink because of the baby but there's non-alcoholic drinks-" I was blabbering. 

"Maia, you need to listen to me. I am pregnant, but it's Mark's baby," Callie informed me. I stopped my rambling and stared at Callie. My mouth formed the shape of an 'O'. I didn't know what to say to her. Obviously, she wanted words of congratulations and excitement. I was too shocked to react like that at first though. Arizona had only been gone for a while. I know she left with her relationship with Callie on bad terms, but I didn't think it was that bad for Callie to find comfort in my brother. I decided that I needed to be there for Callie, if she had told Arizona then Arizona would probably have not been happy with the identity of the sperm donor. 

"So, I'm gonna be an aunt? I'm so happy for you, Callie!" I squealed, and enveloped my friend in a hug. I sighed, and wondered how Callie was going to deal with Mark and Arizona. 

"Thanks, Maia! I hoped you'd react like this, Arizona didn't take it so well. We're going to the OB today to get some news on how the baby is doing. I'd ask for you to join but, I already have Mark and Arizona insisting on coming. I don't blame them of course, it's their child too," Callie explained. I nodded and smiled then decided to get on with my morning rounds. 


Throughout the course of Callie's pregnancy, I didn't leave her side. Arizona, Mark and I were like her guard dogs. We were her protectors, her guardian angels. I wasn't so sure that Mark was an angel, but then again, neither was I. Arizona was definitely an angel, she was so supportive of Callie when the idea of a baby began to appeal to her. So, when Callie called me one night telling me of her plans to take Arizona to a B&B to treat her for being so good to her, I was all for it. I helped Callie with choosing the olive branch and after the baby shower they were good to go. I waved them off as they drove away.

I went back to the hospital and started completing some charts which needed filling in. Alex surprised me from behind, and softly grazed my ear lobe. I smiled to myself and whipped around. 

"You know, you're technically an uncle-in-law?" I commented, as he placed his large hands on the small of my back. 

"Technically. We're not married yet," he spoke. And it was that keyword that fazed me. Yet. That one word confirmed he wanted us to wed and become a happy old couple. I was up for the latter part, but again, the marriage just was not something I wanted with my life. Most marriages end in divorce and separation. I had a theory that if Alex and I did not get married, there would be less stress which would make it easier for us to live in peace and harmony. 

"Well, who says we'll ever get married?" I mumbled, just audible enough for him to hear. 

"I'm assuming we will. I love you, after all. I mean, if we continue like this then isn't it inevitable that we get married?" he spouted, scratching the back of his neck. I shrugged.

"Yeah, I love you too, but what if I don't want to get married?" I bit my lip. What if all Alex wanted was to get married? Would he still be able to commit to our relationship if he knew there wouldn't be a wedding involved? Would he still love me? 

"We have to get married at some point," he said, starting to get frustrated. 

"We don't have to, it's not mandatory," I rolled my eyes, already slowly getting bored of the conversation. 

I Shouldn't Love You Anymore | Alex Karev |Where stories live. Discover now