Chapter 6

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After a few seconds, I lifted my head up. There wasn't an explosion. Burke, Cristina, the bomb guy and I stood up, to see why the bomb hadn't exploded. Meredith had her hand inside the body cavity. We all cursed and sighed.

"Well, that was stupid, Mer." I commented after nobody spoke.

"Yes, it was stupid." Burke scolded. Meredith didn't listen to either of us though, she just continued whispering over and over again, "What did I do? What did I do?"

Burke then took Cristina and I out into the hallway, and told us to leave, and go far away from the east surgical wing. Cristina told Burke to be safe, and then we both left, silently walking down the hallway to get as far away as possible. But then, as I entered the elevator, Cristina backed away, and ran back down the hallway. 

"Cristina!" I called, but she was starting to scrub in. The elevator doors closed, and I had no choice but to press the button which would take me down to the lobby. 

I couldn't find Alex or George, so I went to the locker room to apply some more deodorant, all of the tension in that OR had made me sweat.

Alex, Izzie and George were in the locker room, and so I decided that right there, and then, I would make Alex and I official. I waltzed right up to him, wrapped my arms around him from behind, and stood up on my tiptoes and planted a kiss on his cheek. He jumped from the surprise, but he smirked, and snaked his arm around my waist.

Izzie stopped her giggling and George stared at us. We stared back at them, until Izzie made a coughing sound. George looked away. Izzie stood up, and then left the room, and George followed her out. 

Alex and I looked at each other and burst out into giggles. We went back into the supply closet, and we sat back against the wall. I leaned my head on his shoulder, and I laced my fingers with his, and I talked to him. He wrapped his arm around me, and rubbed circles into my back with his thumb. He'd frequently kiss my temple, as I talked endlessly about things that were probably boring him to death, but he listened. And that was the moment I knew, I knew that he cared, and maybe loved me. 

We screwed again, and then afterwards, while we were getting dressed again, Alex noticed my nervousness. "It's gonna be okay, Maia. I promise." he assured, and I smiled, and pressed my lips against his. 

"Alex, we have to go do something to help out now. Come on." I said, as I tightened my scrub pants. I grabbed his hand, and he looked down at me, then we walked out of the supply room. 

While I was searching for something to do, I recognized Adele Webber from the brief time I'd seen her in the Chief's office. 

I approached her, and she looked at me. "Mrs Webber? Are you okay? You really shouldn't be here right now, there's kind of a crisis happening." 

"Have you seen my Richard? Someone called me, they said he might have had a heart attack, or something like that." Adele Webber looked extremely worried. 

"The Chief had a heart attack? Come with me, Mrs Webber, I'll help you find him." I offered, and she nodded and followed me. 

I asked the nurse behind the desk if she knew where he was, and she directed us to a room, and I left Adele there. 

I found Alex with Izzie, and I had to try my hardest to not let myself be overcome with jealousy. It turns out they were just looking at the Chief's bloodwork, which showed that he suffered from an anxiety attack, not a heart attack. 

Later on, it was spread through the hospital that the bomb had exploded in the hallway. I hoped and hoped that the rumor wouldn't be true. I worried for Meredith, Derek and Cristina, who were all on that OR floor. 

I Shouldn't Love You Anymore | Alex Karev |Where stories live. Discover now