Chapter 17

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It was my second day back at work after being discharged. Before I actually had been discharged, Derek had ran some tests on my brain to make sure I was completely okay. It turns out that if my brain goes through anymore severe trauma, it would be most likely that I would die. You'd think I'd wear a helmet now everytime I got in a helicopter to get organs from another hospital, wear a helmet everytime I got into my car, but I didn't. My fate was just my fate and there was probably no way I could avoid it forever. 

Alex and I had since gotten back together, and well, our relationship had never been better. We're both comfortable and happy with our relationship. We decided to start back from square one, and had our first date all over again. We went somewhere different, he took me to a baseball game, then afterwards he took me on a picnic somewhere quiet, and deserted. It was the best first date I'd ever had, and Alex agreed with me on that one. We'd talked through all of our issues, and gotten through them together as a couple. We were finally happy.

Mark wasn't quite so happy that I'd gotten back together with Alex. He'd much preferred Jackson, but he eventually admitted that he would try his best to be happy for me since I cared so much for Alex. He did go all grumpy with me for a day or two, but he eventually came back to me, apologizing for being such a dick. Mark hates it when I go all angry at him, since he thinks he is the greatest brother ever to have lived. I agreed with him just to make him happy, although he really didn't need the ego boost.

I was charting at the nurses station, when I suddenly heard a voice from my past. I never thought I'd hear that voice again, I thought that the voice would always just been a distant memory. 

"Where can I find Derek Shepherd's office?" Amelia Shepherd asked a nurse. I was full of excitement, Amelia was my old best friend. She was the equivalent of what Jackson is to me now. Before the nurse could answer her, I dashed over to Amelia and answered her for myself.

"I could escort you," I said from behind her, and Amy Shepherd whipped around, and her eyes brightened with happiness. Her pupils were their normal size, thank goodness. Every night, I always prayed that she had sobered up, because if she didn't she could maybe end up like I did so many years ago. In a hospital, having her stomach pumped. 

The first thing she did was fling her arms around me, and I reciprocated the action. I squeezed my eyes shut and relished in the hug. Despite Amelia's past influences, she was one of the greatest friends I'd ever had. She had been the one to take me under her wing in high school, although at the time I was a freshman and she was a junior. We hugged each other tight, as if this were the last time we'd ever live to see each other. 

"My God, Maia, I've missed you so much," Amelia whispered, and I could see her furiously blinking back tears. She still expected me to never have to see her cry. I smiled at her, and shook my head knowingly. 

"I've missed you too. I don't know how I've lived without my faux sister," I gushed. It was true, whenever Amelia and I used to go out, people always noted that we must be sisters or related, since we did look a lot alike. Amelia flashed me a toothy smile.

"So, what are you doing here? Here for a surgery?" Amelia asked. I forgot that she didn't know that I'd relocated here, just like Mark and Derek had. 

"No, actually, I live here now. I'm a surgical resident. What about you, what are you doing here?" I asked her, and she shook her head and sighed. 

"Derek won't return any of my calls, so I come bringing a peace offering," she explained, and then she pointed towards a man who was stood awkwardly a few metres away. I looked at her funny, still not understanding.

"He has a brain tumor," she mentioned, and I nodded, understanding her now. 

"Well, come on then, I'll get you to Derek," I offered, and she nodded gratefully. I led her around the hospital whilst we tried to find Derek, whilst brain tumor guy traisped behind us. We found him with Cristina and Meredith. 

I Shouldn't Love You Anymore | Alex Karev |Where stories live. Discover now