Chapter 11

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A/N: Flashbacks will be in italics.

"Welcome, to the Denny Duquette Memorial Clinic. You will be working here from now, except in the case of surgical emergencies." Doctor Bailey welcomed us interns, excluding Meredith and George, to the newly-opened clinic, which Izzie had bought using her money left by Denny. It was a thoughtful and kind gesture, and I could tell that Doctor Bailey was pleased with the outcome of the clinic. Cristina started mumbling about how she would much rather scrub in on Burke's valve dislocation surgery, and I couldn't deny the fact that I strongly agreed with her. The clinic was nice enough, but it wasn't somewhere where a training surgeon should work. It wouldn't teach me anything. It wouldn't be useful when I come across a surgery I had no idea how to perform. I noticed Izzie was nervously chewing her nails, and shuffling from one foot to the other. 

"Where is everyone?" she finally asked. It didn't take an idiot to know that she was worried that the clinic would be a failure. 

"Grey will be late, and O'Malley should be back anytime soon." Doctor Bailey said, even strong Doctor Bailey looking a tad nervous now. 

The door opened, and we expected our very first patient to enter, but instead, in walked Chief Webber and Mark. They congratulated Izzie and Doctor Bailey, and then the door yet again opened, and in walked George and Callie, hand in hand. They were both smiling, Callie blushing a little. I waved to Callie, and she gave a small wave back, clutching on George's hand. We were all just chattering absent-mindedly, then George announced something that none of us were expecting. 

"We got married in Vegas!" he exclaimed happily, Callie's tanned cheeks turned pink, and I was halfway between shock and happiness for the couple. None of us said a word of congratulations though, and it was only when Alex said something when we came out of our silent frenzy.

"Dude, she's Callie O'Malley!" he sniggered, bursting out into peals of laughter. I snickered, and eventually I couldn't hold in my laughter at Callie's unfortunate new name. We all finally congratulated them, Callie and George both looking uncomfortable. We all dispersed, Izzie storming over to George. Callie made a beeline for me, because she knew I wouldn't judge her for marrying sweet George O'Malley. 

"So, you got married to George? When did that happen?" I asked, not sure how to approach the subject. I had no clue as to whether Callie was going to be stand-offish or gushy about her recent marriage. 

"Uh, a couple of nights ago. It was a spur of the moment thing. He didn't even really propose... we just married." she explained, still blushing. I smiled, it was obvious to anyone that she was in love.

"And are you happy?" I asked, making a final check to ensure that my friend was okay. 

"We're both happy, as far as I know." she smiled, and then I nodded and hugged her tightly, and she hugged me back in return, holding on for longer than needed. I had a niggling feeling that Callie was slightly nervous about the whole marriage debacle. To be honest, I didn't have any pieces of advice to give her about married life. First of all, I'd never actually gotten married, although I had been proposed to by a drunken and high one-night-stand in the girls bathroom in a pulsing New York nightclub.

"Mia, isn't it?" the drunk guy who I'd just screwed in the girls bathroom in the newly-opened nightclub, Venus, said. I was high as a kite, and still shaking from my recent orgasm. 

"Yeah, that's my name." I replied, not missing a beat. He nodded, and then he walked over to me, and like a magnet to metal, he latched his lips onto my neck, and I giggled, and then he moaned into my neck. 

"Mia, please marry me." he moaned, and I hiccupped, and then giggled once again. 

"Of course I'll marry you!" I squealed in a stoned state, and it was at that point that Amelia Shepherd burst in, grabbed my wrist and dragged me out of the bathroom so she could ensure that I dodged anymore encounters. 

I Shouldn't Love You Anymore | Alex Karev |Where stories live. Discover now