Chapter 5

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A/N: Holy crap, I never expected to get one hundred reads! I always thought I'd be the author that completed the story with around ten reads, aha. Thank you all for reading! Also above is a GIF of the lovely Emilia Clarke, who I thought would be good at playing Maia! 

Holy crap. I woke up, in the arms of a certain Alex Karev. It made me nostalgic, of the time those many months ago when I'd woken up in his arms in a hungover state for the first time. Why did I let myself sleep with him again? I'd mentally vowed to myself to never relent and try dating him again. I looked up at his adorable sleeping face, and he stirred slightly, but then he fell back into his deep slumber.

I gently unhooked his arms from my body, then slowly but steadily sat up, and climbed out of bed. I realized we had work, so I took a pillow from the bed and whacked him with it multiple times to wake him up.

"What the Hell?" he groaned sleepily. 

"Get up. We have work." I said, in a monosyllabic tone. Alex sat up, and stretched.

"So, are we back together now, or what?" He asked, looking hopeful. I rolled my eyes. 

"No. We're not." I said, throwing off Alex's top which I'd been wearing. I could see him checking me out.

"Are you seriously checking me out right now?" I asked, staring at him. 

"Yes, and I will continue checking you out until you're fully clothed." he said in a matter-of-fact voice, giving me his signature smirk. I scoffed.

"I can't believe you." I muttered. He simply sniggered, then he rolled out of bed and we both got ready in silence. 

That day at work, Alex smirked at me suggestively, and I rolled my eyes at him. He was becoming annoying. 


A month or so passed, and I admit with shame, that sleeping with Alex became a regular thing. I insisted there was no way we'd ever experience a proper relationship again though. But sleeping with Alex made me feel good. He made me feel good. He made me feel pretty.

I admit, there were still some feelings for Alex inside of me, but I tried to hide those feelings as much as I could. If I did enter another romantic relationship with Alex again, I feel like I would have made a mistake, or Meredith, George, Cristina and Izzie would judge me. 

One morning, I was sat in the kitchen eating Lucky Charms (I have a thing for Lucky Charms) straight from the box when George burst in. 

"Can you help to get Meredith out of bed? We all have work, including her, and she won't get out of bed." George said, and I nodded reluctantly and placed the box on the counter. 

I shuffled up to Meredith's room and walked to her bedside. I looked at her sternly. 

"Don't look at me like that." Meredith commanded. I got rid of my stern look and smiled. 

"C'mon, Mer. You need to get out of bed. Do you wanna get fired or something?" I asked, and she groaned.

"I can't. I have a feeling. I have a feeling that we all might die. I have a bad feeling. I don't wanna go to work today. I'm too upset." Meredith sighed.

"What do you mean?" I pondered.

"Addison Montgomery. You know, your friend from New York. She has stolen my life!" Meredith exclaimed, and I rolled my eyes.

"So show her that you don't care, c'mon Mer, get out of bed!" I demanded from her, but she shook her head obstinately. 

"Maia, don't tell me to get out of bed. I know you're stuck downstairs eating cereal out of a box because you're too sad to make a bowl of cereal because you're sad that Alex cheated on you and gave you syphilis. We both have problems, Addison stole my life, and Alex slept with a slutty nurse and gave you a sexually transmitted disease." Meredith stated. 

I Shouldn't Love You Anymore | Alex Karev |Where stories live. Discover now