Chapter 14

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Doctor Wyatt had really improved my outlook on life. My therapy sessions were now over, and I guess everyone was glad that the Maia they all knew was back. I still ignored Alex, but it was difficult when we had a case to work on together, but we managed to keep it together at work. That is, until one night, when I came across something which possibly could send me back into my downwards spiral. I'd just left my room to go make myself some coffee, when I happened to see Izzie and Alex embracing each other, and in a passionate liplock.

It was like that dream I had months ago was finally coming true. I'd always had my suspicions that Izzie and Alex had a thing for each other, they'd gotten along so well at work. I'd tried to deny the thoughts when Alex and I were together, but I knew it. I tried not to let it get to me, I could move on with someone, right? But who was there to move onto? I would never, ever have any intimate feelings for Derek, he was too much of a brotherly figure to me, and anyway I would never interfere with Meredith and Derek's iconic relationship. I didn't have any romantic feelings for George, and pretty much everyone else was taken. I decided I was better off single for now.

Anyway, instead of just getting coffee, I drove to the hospital to work, to get the image of Izzie and Alex out of my mind. I worked all through the night, and then in the morning, the other residents and a few attendings and I gathered round the computer to check which ranking our hospital was at. We thought we'd at least get in the top five, but to our shock and dismay, we were ranked in twelth position. We all gasped and then stormed off, in anger.

Later on the night, news rippled around the hospital that a hot, army doctor was in. My stomach fluttered, I mean, the trauma surgeon we had here was okay, but I wanted an amazing one. Army docs worked in trauma. So, I scoured the hospital to try and find this 'Major Hunt'. I finally found someone wearing camo army uniform, he was talking to Callie, but I rushed over, and waited until Callie and Major Hunt had stopped speaking, and then the ginger haired G.I Joe looked at me, and then I plastered a smile on my face, and held out my hand for him to shake.

"Doctor Maia Sloan, Major Hunt. I'm the best trauma resident that the United States has to offer. It's a pleasure to meet you, I heard you were a doctor in the army. I hope you'll consider working with us, God knows that we need a great trauma attending, such as yourself, " I gabbed, trying to make myself as good as possible to impress him. Major Hunt seemed a tad flabbergasted by my sudden speech, and he smiled a genuine smile and looked down at me from his tall height.

"It's nice to meet you too, Doctor Sloan. I'm Major Owen Hunt. I don't think I'm looking for a job right now, but hey, who knows? It's a shame there aren't many incoming traumas tonight, it would be a good opportunity for you to show me how much of a good surgeon you are," Owen Hunt replied, still smiling. I decided I liked Owen already, he seemed friendly and like he knew what he was doing. I nodded, smiled, then said hello to Callie, then said goodbye to them both and left.

Cristina paged me to a trauma room, and my heart leapt, thinking that finally, a trauma was coming in, but when I burst through the door, I started howling with laughter. Laid on the bed was Cristina, hooked up to monitors, with a bloody patch by her abdomen. Cristina glared at me, and began muttering to herself. I walked over to Cristina's bedside, and shook my head knowingly.

"What did you do?" I asked, raising my eyebrows at her. She rolled her eyes and sighed deeply.

"I slipped and fell, and was impaled by an icicle," she admitted, which made me laugh even louder.

"It's not that funny," she groaned, closing her eyes and shaking her head. I nodded my head yes, making her groan again.

"What do you need, Cristina?" I asked, trying to hold back my loud peals of laughter. She sighed again, and looked me directly in the eye.

I Shouldn't Love You Anymore | Alex Karev |Where stories live. Discover now