Chapter 25

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The light finally hit my eyes as I struggled to squeeze through the narrow opening of the door.

I'm a total mess.

My hair felt like it had just experienced a first-class volcano eruption and my knees and hands were sore from padding across the cold, hard ground for what seemed like years.

To add fuel to the fire, my boyfriend was dying. He's dying right now and I don't have a single clue to where he is. I'm not there to help him or be with him.

Did I do something so wrong in my previous life to be punished so harshly in my present one?

I combed my fingers through my tangled hair and stumbled towards the reception counter. A red-haired lady is occupying one of the roller chairs and is furiously clicking on her mouse.

I coughed and she looked up, the speed of her clicking decelerating.

"Hello, can you please direct me to the ward where Mr. Harry Styles is?" I asked as calmly as possible. She sized me up, well mostly only my upper body and she narrowed her already small eyes.

"The hospital is currently in lockdown. Nobody's supposed to be getting in or out. You know that, right?"


She rolled her eyes and I feel her getting irritated.

"Yes ma'am. I just went to the washroom but I can't seem to remember which ward he's in?"

She sighed and I knew she could tell that I'm lying through my teeth but said, "Level 9, Ward 912. It's pretty easy to find, just turn left after you exit the elevator. 5th door on the right."

"Thank you so much. Have a nice day."

"You, too."

I smiled and scurried away as fast as my legs could carry me. I stabbed the elevator button with the ↑ button.

As soon as the doors dragged open, I slipped in and once again, stabbed the 9 button. The lift came to a halt at level 7 and a few people came in. One of them presses level 15 and another presses 12. I did not notice that I am impatiently tapping my foot against the floor and hurriedly stops the action before it began to annoy some of the people in the elevator.

The agonisingly slow elevator finally came to a stop at level 9 and I quickly stepped out. I swore I could hear a little whisper from inside the elevator ; was that Taylor Swift?

I pushed the thought away to the back of my mind, actually a little shocked that someone could recognise me even though I looked like a hobo.

I soon arrived at Ward 912. It looked like a death room inside, but since when was a hospital not a death building? I peered through the small rectangular piece of glass and I saw a whiff of blonde hair.

I shifted my feet to adjust my perspective but I could not catch the person's face. My instincts told me it's Niall but I could not be sure.

I slowly pushed the door open as quiet as possible, but the door disobeyed and started to creak. I cursed under my breath as the blonde-haired man looked up from his phone. I sighed to my relief, it's Niall. His face carried an expression of flabbergast and awe.

"Shit," Niall whispered some Irish swear words under his breath and I could tell that he's swearing because his face was to the ground, he was whispering and the words did not sound the least friendly at all. He stood to his feet and walked towards me, taking my face in his hands as he turned my face 90 degrees to the left, then right, as if examining a corpse. His fingers hovered over my lips but he quickly put his hands back to his side.

"Are you alright? You shouldn't be here,"

"Where's Harry?" I glanced around the room and see the empty bed and the door to the bathroom ajar.

"Is he safe? Is he in the bathroom?"

"Taylor.." Niall looked worried but I brushed it away. Harry is all I could think about now.

"Niall, where is he?" I pressed.

"He's fine. He's just gone for a checkup. He left about 15 minutes ago." He sighed.

My breathing slowed down and I felt my heartbeat slowed down, too. I plopped onto the beige couch and placed my arm on one side of the couch's armrest, for the other armrest was too far away on the other end.

"Have you eaten anything? I could go down to the cafeteria to get something for you. The food there - "

"I'm fine, Niall." I cut him off and I immediately felt bad for doing so. I did not even thank him for his concern and my tone did not sound friendly at all.

"I'm sorry, I'm just a little stressed out and everything that's happened, it's just, it's never happened to me before. Thank you for your concern, Niall, you're a good friend." I sighed, feeling my eyelids drooping closed.

"It's fine, it's fine. Don't worry about it." He said and I'm glad I had a friend like Niall.

I tried my hardest to stay awake but my mind did not allow me to. I swiftly drifted off to sleep and my dream, well, I could say it was the most bittersweet one I had ever had.

Hi guys, thanks for reading this awfully short chapter. I'm sorry I didn't have the time to update, I've been busy with exams, homework and stuff like that but I'm on vacation now and I'm in Australia! I'll have more time to update and to reply to comments and I'm sorry if this chapter was too short. I sometimes have author's block so I have no idea what to write but I'll try my best. Have a nice day guys and I hear it's summer vacation now? (;

P.S. There's been a slight change in the way my story is written; this chapter is in past tense. I'm about to edit the rest of my 24 chapters so that they are all written in past tense.
Tip: when writing a composition for your school/exams etc., always write in past tense for it will not be considered correct if it is written in present tense. (This happened to me and I was penalised pretty badly HAHAHAHA)

I've also realised that many of my friends, whom I did not suspect of having depression, are actually suffering from depression and they harm themselves. So if you ever need someone to rant to, or just to vent your problems or frustrations to, you can vent them to me and I'll listen. I give you my word that I will say nothing about our conversation to anyone. My Kik is swift_simplicity hahaha

I love you guys and sorry for making you read that long author's note. Have a nice day guys!! <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2014 ⏰

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