Chapter 8

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I just wanna thank all my readers for commenting and voting and reading hehehe. Thanks guys ilyasm. ♥︎

Chapter 8

*****Next Day*****

My phone beeped.

"Wanna hang out later? Maybe get a drink or something?" It read.

It was from Taylor. I remembered what happened yesterday in my room, and I could not help but bring a smile to my lips. I punched in

"Sure. Where are we meeting?"

I got a reply almost instantly.

"How about Starbucks at 11?"

Starbucks? I laughed to myself, I already knew what I was going to get.

"Sure, see you there. xx" I replied. It was 9.30 now. I decided to take a warm shower. I stepped out feeling fresh. I put on my makeup, picked out a yellow sundress and put on my black flats. It's 10.30. I had a half hour left, so I decided to get there early.

I arrived 15 minutes before 11.

I stepped in and order a Grande Caramel Latte. I scanned the room and found a table for two at the far end of the restaurant next to the window.

"Hey Taylor, over here!" I heard someone shout from behind me. I turned around to see Taylor waving at me. He is wearing a plain white tee with jeans. He has two tall cups on his table. I guessed he had ordered one for me already. I proceeded to his table after collecting my drink and took a seat. Being the gentleman he was, he stood up and pulled my chair out for me. I gracefully took a seat.

"Thank you."

He smiled and returned to his seat. I put my Grande cup on the table.

"What did you get me?" I asked, eyeing the cup that Taylor was not drinking from.

"Tall Caramel Latte. It's your favourite isn't it?"

"Yeah, but I already ordered one." I pointed to my Caramel Latte and giggled.

"Yeah, I can see that," He smiled. "Excuse me for a while."

He stood up and went to the counter. He returned after a while. He removed the lid of the untouched Caramel Latte and put in two black straws.

"Problem solved," he winked.

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