Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

"And next time you'll be putting your arm around me in the middle of a yawn in the movies," I chuckled.

"You don't want that?" He smiled.

I grabbed his arm and put it around my neck.

"I never said that." I enjoyed his company. We continued riding rides, until the security guard had to come shoo us out. Taylor drove me home and we talked in the car. It was supposed to be an hour's drive, but somehow, it seemed like 15 minutes was all it took. Time passes fast when you were having fun.

Our fingers were still interlocked when we arrived at my doorstep.

"I had a great day today," I smiled and looked at him.

"So did I." He placed his hands on my hips and twirled me around. The light bulb illuminated the front porch and it seemed like we were in the limelight.

"I love you," he said as he kissed me again. His hands were still on my hips. I gripped onto his collar as we sank deeper into the kiss, and into each other. I released my grip and put my arms around his neck. I did not expect it, but he lifted me off my feet again, this time in bridal style.

I broke off the kiss, "Put me down!" I giggled uncontrollably. "I'm heavy."

"You're as light as a feather." He remarked, and to prove that, he turned in circles until I became dizzy and I had to plead for him to stop.

"I have to go in now, my mum's waiting." I said.

"I got it. But next time, when I carry you like this, I'll be carrying you down the aisle."

"Oh please," I smirked. I felt my cheeks turning a shade of pinkish-red, even pinker than the blush I had put on in the morning.

I gave him one last kiss and stepped into my house. I saw him drive away as I looked back before starting on the stairs.

Today was a fairy tale.

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