Chapter 22

472 21 6

Taylor Swift's POV


My eyes flutter open as Harry's voice rings through the room. I wake up to a squared room, all four walls painted white and a beige coloured couch sitting in the corner. I must say that the colour combination and contrast was horrible.

I prop myself up using my elbows so that I'm facing Harry. He blinks and mouths "Good morning" before repeating his "hello?" into the speaker phone again. There was a long pause.

"Who is it?" I ask, curious but suspicious.

"I don't know, he or she's not replying me. Maybe it's just a prank call," he shrugs.

I wait for him to put down the phone but instead, he asks "Hello?" Into the phone again. I figured that the person at the other end didn't reply, but Harry seemed pretty insistent on finding out who he or she is.

"Just end it already, Harry. Come on, I-"

"He or she hung up on me," his jaw drops, obviously exaggerating the fact that he was a little upset over someone hanging up on him. His eyes widen and his mouth formed a perfect 'O'. I shook my head and laughed.

"Who cares? Come on, I want coffee from the cafeteria downstairs, you want some?" I ask.

"Can I come?" His eyes twinkle.

"I don't know, are you allowed to leave the room?"

"I can walk to the bathroom so I say yes."

"Yeah, because the bathroom is in this room, Harry,"

His lips curve into a playful smirk and he gets up from the bed, takes my hand, opens the door, and leads me down the corridor to the cafeteria. He jogs down the hall in his baby blue button-up hospital shirt and trousers.

"Wait, I forgot to bring my wallet!" I fling my arms wildly around me but Harry's grip is firm around my wrist.

"You don't need it," he smirks.

We reach the cafeteria soon enough only to be greeted by some fan girls sitting around a table, who turned around as soon as Harry arrived.

"Oh my God, it's Harry Styles!"

"What? Oh my God, can you take a picture with me?!"

"Can you sign this?!"

"Why is he with that whore?"

"Ugh, slut."

"Get your hands off my Harry!"

"Harry is mine!"

Okay, this is getting out of hand. I try to jerk my hand out of Harry's tight grip but he wouldn't budge. He squeezes my hand and whispers something into my ear before taking off in the direction we came in, leading me with him. I almost fall over due to his sudden movement, but I catch up fast enough.

We dash down the hall and lock ourselves in Harry's hospital room as soon as we arrive. The mob of girls are still chasing after us.. No, him.. and I can hear their screams. I wonder if people are even allowed to make so much noise in a hospital. I should probably ask them to run back to the canteen or just shut them up before security arrived and drags them away.

"Close call, huh?" Harry asks, leaning forward to peer through the small rectangle piece of glass in the door. I catch a wave of brown hair before coming face to face with the hallway's white concrete wall.

I nod my head in response before walking to the sofa to sit down. He strides across the small room and sits down beside me, attempting to put his hand over mine. I instinctively jerk my hand away and Harry's cheeks turn pink, clearly embarrassed.

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