Mindless What?

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After I bathed her, clothed her and put her to sleep my cell phone rang. I checked the caller I.D..
Cindy Trawick
Of course. Cindy’s been my best friend…well my only friend through my pregnancy. Everyone else basically ran away from me like I had a disease…well either that or they were apart of the group that called me a ****. But anyway Cindy’s my girl so I picked up the phone.
“Hey Cindy”
“Hey, Kimari how are you and Leda?”
“Barely surviving actually”
“That’s bad”
“But I have a way of cheering you up!”, she said excitedly.
“Oh really?”, I said. Cindy is a teenage girl who acts like a teenage girl. I am a teenage girl who has to act like an adult so are definitions of “cheering up” are two different things.
“Yeah…so that group Mindless Behavior is coming to town for this meet and greet thing right and-”, I had to cut her off.
“Mindless what?”, I asked
“Beehhaavviioorr…Mindless Behavior, you know aye my girl my girl she loves me.” What Cindy will never realize is that I’m too busy to be caught up in movies, music and fashion anymore.
“Are those them boys you like?”
“Who made that song with…uhh…what’s his name that was on that reality show?”
“Diggy Simmons?”
“Yeah him”
“Yep that’s them.”
“So what about ’em?”
“They’re coming for an exclusive meet and greet and…”
“And what!” I was getting excited.
“I won tickets on the radio!”
“Are you serious?”
“Do I sound serious?”
“So I know how you’re all busy with work and Leda…so I thought “hmm ya know what I’m gonna give her a break” so now me and you can go see them…epic right?". I was excited but then it quickly went away.
“What about Leda”, I said so soft that Cindy couldn’t hear me.
“Speak up homegirl.” Cindy had a thing with mood changes. First she was the awesome skater chick but the next minute she could be the ghetto friend everyone secretly wanted.
“Leda…who’s gonna watch Leda?”. It was silent for a few seconds.
“Well…she can come too!”
“It’ll be too loud.”
“Girl, it’s a meet and greet…not no concert”
“So they won’t be singing and music won’t be blaring?”
“No singing, no music blaring, just signing, talking and taking some pics?”. I was hesistant but then thought it’d be pretty cool if my 6 month old could take a picture with a celebrity.
“Fine…when is it?”
“Tomorrow at 6:30pm”
“Bye”. I hung up the phone.

Author’s Note: Do you know anyone like Cindy? Would you be best friends with a teen mom/dad? Let me know in the comments below!
-Luv ErBourne

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