~ Spoby ~

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Since this book is about Spoby, I thought it was important to make a chapter about them. Explaining what they mean to me and stuff.
I've already published 46 one shots when I'm writing this but it doesn't really matter.
[Also, the 5 first ones are cringey so you can skip them :)

So yeah: Spoby. Spoby, Spoby, Spoby.
Let's talk about the actors real quick because, let's not forget that without the actors, Spoby wouldn't have existed. Treegan's chemistry is the first thing that made me fall in love with them. Troian Bellisario and Keegan Allen are the reason this ship is THE ship of Pretty Little Liars (in my opinion obviously)


I started watching PLL when I was 11 (6th grade) and watched regularly for four years, waiting for the ultimate reveal.
Pretty Little Liars is my whole middle school as well as many shows. But Spoby got me through middle school.
When I was feeling down I could go home and watch new or old scenes that made me smile no matter what. They are the only ship that I've always loved no matter the situation. Even in 3B when Toby was "the bad guy" I couldn't stop loving them, I just couldn't.
I can't begin to explain how many breakdowns I had because of them. Especially from 6B to the finale.
But I'm going to be honest, what I've felt during all those years watching and discovering them must have been the best feelings in the world. I think I've never loved a ship as much as them: ever. And I ship pretty much everything.
This was for my global impression. Now, let's explain how I felt during the whole show as I watched them grew.


Season 1. Toby is portrayed as "the bad guy" but, as always, I don't follow the public opinion and immediately think that there is more to the story.
Quick part about Spencer's love interests in S1:
First, Wren. Ok, I don't ship Wrencer now obviously but, I've always loved Wren character and S1 was no exception. He was funny and they were cute.
Alex Santiago: if you read all my shots you must know that I adore this character 😂 I liked his relationship with Spence but only on the few episodes they were together. Both Wren and Alex were important in Spencer's life but that was only to prepare her for the big epic love story that was coming. So now, Wren and Alex can go away and live their life together (Wrex forever).
So yeah, 1x13, we see a new shade of Toby's character as he cries in an alley.
I started shipping Spoby from the moment Spencer showed interest in Toby was saying he was different to Emily. I didn't hope much because I knew that in the books Toby died... But surprise, 1x16 arrives. I saw what was about to become my OtP speak French (my native language) and giving each other mesmerizing looks that I would never forget.
They got closer over the episodes and BOOM, if 1x16 did not convince you, 1x19 probably will.
"Top or bottom" will always be an iconic line you can't deny this.
Another thing: they woke up in each other's arms like a married couple BEFORE they were even together.
You need more? Ok, first kiss.
They bounded playing Scrabble and ended up kissing in front of the hotel room: THAT S MY SHIP.

Then, the more episodes I watched the more I was shipping them.
Between the scenes in front of the fire, the sleeping in his arms as he reads and the MOTHER FUCKING CARNIVAL SCENE!
Their relationship was hard from the first moment they got together [I can feel the jokes coming], Spencer's parents being the first "barrier".
What I love the most about them is that in 10 episodes, Spencer went from Hating Toby's Cavanaugh guts to not caring about her Parent's opinion for once and running to him because he became the most important thing to her at this moment. She went from «The devil has a name and it's Toby» to seeing the beautiful soul he was all this time.


Season 2 was just. Cute. This season is the definition of cute for their relationship. So foetus ❤️
But of course, a relationship cannot stay drama free, that's why we witnessed the S2 breakup. Hopefully it did not last long and that gave birth to one of the most iconic Spoby line ever «Pretending not to love you was the hardest thing I've ever done» followed by the iconic Slap Kiss -they invented that I don't care about real facts-
Talking about iconic thing that happened in S02.
«I'm picturing a NewBorn with a 6th pack»
«I love you so much- I wanted to say that first»
Apparition of their iconic truck and the first thing that Toby built her : the chair.
The truck scene where they almost did it but Toby kept his eyes open so they didn't do and then they got out of the truck, him buttoning his shirt and running. If you didn't laugh at this scene you have no soul.
I'm sure I'm forgetting things but yep, this season was great.

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