This something is more of a someone

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Now that Alex Drake is locked up in France, it is a celebration time for our five liars.
When Aria walked down the aisle with her newly husband, she was the second liar who tied the knot and certainly not the last.
The next day was going to confirm that since the first mothers of the group had some big news to share.

«Emily was is going on?» Hanna asked as she sat on their couch

«We have to wait for Aria to arrive»

«She just got married give her some slack» Spencer let out a laugh, smiling.

«It's important we all want you to be here»

«Hey guys» Aria said coming in «What did I miss?»

«We were waiting for you» Alison said, taking Emily's hand
«Guys, we got engaged»

«What?!» Hanna said with excitement «When?!»

«A day before Aria's wedding. Before we discovered the whole Alex thing. We thought we'd wait to tell you»

«That's so amazing!! We're so happy for you guys!»

«There is more»

«Since you can't possibly be pregnant I have no clue» Spencer joked

«The wedding is in a week. A day before your honeymoon Aria»

«What? How?!»

«Emily and I already planned the whole thing. It's cheap but many people are coming and we'll just have fun»

«And you're all invited obviously» Emily added

«So, it's next Friday?»

«Yes. We ranted a room for the reception not far from here it's gorgeous. We'll give you the address»

«You two are crazy! Are you sure you don't want to wait? You have plenty of time»

«No. We don't want to wait anymore. Plus, we did everything in a random order: pregnancy, then dating, then the babies and now the wedding. We've waited enough» Emily said while looking at Alison with a look full of joy.

This look make Spencer smile.
«What are you smiling about?»

«You two deserve each other so much. I'm just glad to see you happy. Every one of you actually»

«Aww Spence» Aria said, rubbing her back

«I love you guys» She answered hugging her.

«So, I was wondering something about you Spencer» Emily said


«I know Aria is bringing Ezra, Hanna Caleb, and I'm assuming you're going to bring Toby?»

«What?» she said in a -pretending to be shocked- voice «Why would I»

«Ohh come on Spencer» Hanna said «You two have been flirting like kids even since the rehearsal. Just tell him how you feel»

«He doesn't feel the same Hanna. But it's okay. Right now I'm just enjoying you being happy»

«How do you know if you didn't ask him?»

«I just do. I sent him signals he didn't take them. I wrote Limerence, the look I gave him when I told the poem... He never made a move»

«First of all, Limerence?» Everyone laughed «And second of all, I think you're being stupid because we all see how he's looking at you»

«He would have ask me already.»

«Think whatever you want Spence. But prepare for some "i told you so" »

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