The stupid -but not so stupid- connexion

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I really like writing what if's. Lots of 710.718 & 720 shots have been made and that is normal since they're the most recent episodes. Now that it's done, I was thinking about a Spoby moment that had A LOT of potential.
Yep, you guessed it. 620.
So, I'll start writing now and see how it goes. I hope I'll please your expectations
Btw, in this shot. Hanna does not get kidnapped by AD. She gets out of the room with Caleb.
« When did you-?» Spencer asked with a smile as Toby put on his glasses on.

«I- I fought it as long as I could but I had to admit my defeat» he answered ironically.

She looked at him with curious eyes. In the 12 years that she's known him she never would have thought that Toby Cavanaugh would need glasses. She couldn't let herself think that he looked cute in them though, so she let him carry on with his story.

«When Yvonne and I were in Paris»

Ouch. She tried not show any reaction to this. He never took her to Paris...
Not that he never wanted to, but there never was a "right time".
She just looked down and awkwardly smile

«I thought I was pointing to an Eclair on the menu then, the waiter brought out a bucket of snails» he said, smiling to the funny memory. - - A memory that Spencer probably would have loved to live with him -

She just laughed. She really missed those moments. Just the two of them. Although, this shared moment kinda seemed like small talk but she was enjoying every moment of it.

«Au moins les deux mots commencent avec la même lettre» she answered with the gorgeous accent she always had.

Toby's heart melted to it. Quickly remembering their first meeting.

«Yes. But, who wants to eat snails for breakfast?»

Her eyes widened: did he understand what she just said?
«You remember French?»

«J'ai eu un bon professeur» He answered with a shy smile.
Spencer blushed to that cute comment and added a
«Vous avez l'air distingué» pointing as his glasses.

«No I look like a guy who needs glasses» he said shaking his head, denying any compliment he could get.

She just smiled. Sarcasm and honesty really were their thing.

«Why do you want to get back down here?» He said suddenly changing the subject back to plan.

Spencer's thought bubble bursted and her face expression changed to concentrate on his question
«Hum. Because Sara just checked back at the hotel and she specifically asked for a room on the first floor.. Directly above the old Radley basement» she explained, showing him the plan of the old Radley.
«So we think that she must be looking for something and whatever that thing is, we can use it to prove that she's our new big bad»

«So, if I make sure that she's locked out while Hanna is waiting for her. It'll be save to go down there and find it»
He said confidently

«We need to plan this.» Spencer said, getting up «But first, I need coffee. You want some?»

«Yep, couldn't hurt» he answered smiling at her «I'll have a-»

«Black. No sugar»

«Guess I'm not the only one remembering things »
She just raised her eyes and smiled before going to the kitchen to make the coffees.

She put some water on her face. Why was today so... different? Different than when they usually meet ever since she came back?
She was feeling weird. The attraction she felt towards him was starting to increase for some reason. The flame was starting to burn more and more every word he was saying.
She hated this. She hated the fact that she was feeling more connexion with a conversation about snails than with her actual boyfriend whom she loved. Or did she? She wasn't sure anymore.

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