Chapter 7: Our Secret Hidaway

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"Cody please tell me where we are going!" I said while practically leaning my whole body out of the window that was rolled down. 

    Cody was taking me to some mysterious place which he would tell me nothing about. We were in his car, music up and windows down. We've been driving for almost an hour and after dropping off Miranda at Brad and Angie's, he refused to tell me anything about what was going to happen this weekend. The only thing I got in as an answer was; 'You'll know as soon as we get there.' or 'Just calm down and trust me.' Which, no surprise, is what he replied to me this time.

    Groaning in frustation, I crossed my arms, rolled up the window and blew out a deep breath of air. I heard Cody laughing softly at my reaction. He placed his hand on my thigh but I took it off, placing back onto his own lap before going back to my position. Glancing at Cody from the corner of my eye, I noticed that he was scoffing at me, a playful smirk across his plump lips.

"Fine. Be that way." He said in a childish voice.

I looked out the window, trying to place the surroundings but nothing looked familiar to me. After a few minutes, the volume on the radio was turned down a notch and Cody's hand was placed back onto my thigh, palm side up. Sighing in defeat, I placed mine on his, our fingures intwining as soon as I did. Cody gave my hand a tight squeeze before asking, "Are things starting to look familiar?" 

"Yeah, but I can't think of why..." I wondered off. "Can I get a hint?" I questioned turning to face him.

"Think back to the first few months of us dating as well as our honeymoon." Was all he said.

I thought for a moment, then looked back out the window. Realization hit me and I gasped with a huge smile on my face. "We're going back to the lake house?!" 

Cody laughed, nodding his head as he turned down the driveway. "Took you long enough." 

I giggled, letting go of his hand and leaning over, kissing his cheek. "Cody this is amazing! I love this place!" 

    I was practiacally bouncing in my seat, waiting for him to park the car in the driveway. When he finally did, I jumped out of the car, running up the the front door and waiting impatently for him to walk up and unlock it. Cody slowly got out of the car, taking his slow, sweet time walking closer to me. I groaned, causing him to look up at me with a cheeky smile on his lips.

"What's wrong, babe?" He asked while slowly unlocking the door. 

"We've been in the car for an hour. I'm excited and I have to pee." I said and he laughed, opening the door for me. 

    I practically ran into the place and to the bathroom. Once I was finished, I washed my hands and walked out. Looking around the place with a small smile on my lips. I walked into the living room and seen Cody leaning back on the couch, his head tipped back and eyes closed. I kicked off my shoes before walking closer to him. I moved so I was sitting behind him, my legs going around his waist and my chin resting on his shoulder lightly. 

"We need to bring Miranda here sometime." I whispered.

Cody hummed in agreement. "When she's a little older."

I tilted my head slightly, leaning into the crook of his neck and pressed a long, soft kiss there. His hands that were resting on my thighs tightened slightly and he tilted his head a little more, giving me better access. I giggled a little as I left a small love bite there, causing him to groan. "What do you think about Chinness for dinner?" 

"Sounds perfect." I said softly. 

Cody slowly stood up, turning towards me and pressing a hard kiss to my lips. "Love you."

"Love you, too." I returned and he walked down the hallway way towards the bedroom. 

    I lend back onto the couch and sighed as I thought about everything that had happened here and everything that was going to happen in the future. I smiled a little before sighing. I missed Miranda already. I lend back on the couch, bringing my legs up and my arm drapped across my eyes as they fluttered closed. It wasn't long until I felt Cody's presence in the room, feeling the bed dip slightly and felt my legs being rested over his legs. 

"You alright baby?" He asked me softly and I peeked one eye opened. 

"Yeah I'm alright." I answered with a small smile. 

Cody's hand started traviling up my leg before stopping on my thigh. I watched him closely for a moment before smiling a little. "You know what I think we should do?" He asked, leaning closer to me and I smiled a little. 

I hummend. "What's that?" 

"Something we haven't got to do in awhile." He whispered, his face now just inches from mine. 

My smile slipped as I answered. "Go swimming in the lake?" 

Cody's face was priceless. Laughing as I stood up from the couch, going to make my way back to the room but was stopped in my tracks as Cody's strong arms wrapped around my waist tightly, pulling me back towards his chest. "Nice try princess."

I giggled, resting my hands on top of his, my eyes fluttering closed as his lips made contact with the skin on my neck. "I don't know what you're talking about."

Cody's warm breath fanned over my neck, causing a small groan to escape my slightly parted lips. "Oh really?" He asked with pure humor in his voice. 

    I turned around, my arms going around his neck, crashing my lips to his. Unable to hold back anymore, his arms snaked tightly around my waist, pulling my body flush with his. Our kiss heating up intensly, both of us missing the feeling of being so close to each other in such a phyisical way. His arms went down to my legs, bringing them up and around his waist as he started to walk down the hallway and into the bedroom. My heart beating out of controle from antisapation.

As he laid my down on the bed, his body ontop of mine, he whispered how much he loved me. With each word he spoke, he pressed a kiss somewhere on my body. Shivering as I said thoughs four simple words. "Make love to me."


"Cody!" I giggled as he splashed me with water. 

    He was helping me with the dishes and kept getting his fingers wet before flicking them, causing droplets of water to splash me. He had a beautiful smile on his lips as he did. I picked up the spray hose from the sink and sprayed him with it. Laughing as he came towards me and grabbed me by the waist. We were both pretty soaked by now and I giggled as he spun me around a few times before setting me back down on my feet. 

He lend down, pressing his lips softly to mine. "I love you."

"I love you, too." I whispered back. "Thank you, this is exactly what I needed."

"You're welcome. I think we both needed this." He replied and I nodded my head. 

"Why don't we go do a little night swimming?" I asked and he smiled.

"Sounds perfect." 

    Once we were both changed, we made our way outside and to the edge of the peir. Cody jumped in, doing a full on canon ball, causing me to giggle and jump back slightly as the cold water splashed onto me. I sat on the edge of the peir, putting my legs over the edge and going in the easy and non-fun way. Cody came over to me and smiled brightly and rolled his eyes. 

"Well that was no fun." He said and laughed.

We swam for a while and when we both got bored, we got back out and laid on the peir, looking up at the sky. "I love this place." 

Cody moved closer to me, taking my hand in his. "Me, too. It's like our own secret hidaway where we can both run away from everyone for a little while."

I smiled. "Things are going to be alright with us, right?" I questioned, tilting my head slightly to look him in the eyes. 

"Of course we are." He replied.

Cody lend in and kissed my lips roughly. "Why don't we go inside, take a nice long shower, cuddle up on the bed and watch a movie?"

"That sounds perfect." I replied.

Missing Her Was Grey. (Sequel To But Losing Her Was Blue)Where stories live. Discover now