Chapter 26: Family Days Are The Best Days

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It's been almost 2 weeks since mine and Cody's argument and so far, we've just been trying to put it behind us and try our best to just take everyday as it comes. We're taking life day by day and dealing with anything that tries to stand in our way as they come. Landon was coming in less then two months and we still needed to finish a few little things in his nursery. But since I'm so far along, Cody has been dealing with it all morning.

I looked at myself in the bathroom mirror and took a deep breath as my eyes wondered over my body. I was only wearing my bra and underwear as I just gotten out of the shower. My eyes wondered over ever mark and every curve in my body. It was so much different then my 16 year old body was. I had a few pale stretch marks on my sides and their no doubt would be a few more once Landon was born. But I didn't mind them, they were a part of me, a part of who I am and what I've been through.

"Emily?" I jumped out of my thoughts and hurried to put on my bath robe before Cody opened the door. "Baby? You alright?"

I tied it around my waist before quickly walking over towards the door and opening. Coming face to face with Cody, I noticed that worry quickly rushed over his face as his eyes met mine.

"Sweetheart what's wrong? Why are you crying?"

My eyebrows furrowed slightly and my hands came up on their own to wipe my cheeks. I hadn't even realized that I was crying. "Oh, it's nothing. Don't worry. I'm perfectly okay."

"Don't lie to me. My Emily never cries unless something is wrong. Talk to me, Angel what is it?" Cody questioned, taking my hand in his and pulling me over towards the bed and gently sitting me down.

"I was just looking at myself." I whispered.

"Well that doesn't explain why you were crying?" He replied, confusion written all over his face.

"I honestly didn't even know I was crying until you said something. I'm sorry, Cody. I promise you, I'm alright." I met his eyes and forced a smile.

Cody gave me a look that said he knew I was lying straight through my teeth. "Let me guess, you were looking at yourself in the mirror and seen your stretch marks and all and now you think that since their are a few more marks on your beautiful body I don't think you're as pretty as you were when you were 16?"

I sighed and looked away from him for a moment.

"Emily Rose Simpson, that is absolutely bullshit." He said with a straight face and I couldn't help but laugh a little. You are beautiful. Marks and all. You're still the most beautiful girl I have ever met in my whole life, right next to Miranda, my mom and Alli. You're stunning. Everything about you is beautiful. The marks, your smile, your dimples, your body, absolutely everything about you is beautiful and 100% perfect."

I smiled and looked back up at him. Thank you, Cody... I really needed to hear that."

"I'm just telling the truth, Angel. I'm sorry things have been so crazy lately and I haven't gotten to take the chance to tell you how beautiful you are but I will from now on because you deserve to hear it absolutely every single second of the day." Cody said before standing up in front of me and grabbing my face in his hands. "And don't you ever forget that." He smiled before kissing every inch of my face before leaving a long kiss on my lips.

"Mommy!" We both turned when Miranda came running into our room.

"Hey Miranda." I smiled down at her as she tried to climb up onto my lap and sit but their wasn't much room because of my stomach so Cody ended up holding her.

"Apple don't you think mommy's beautiful?" Cody asked Miranda as he smiled down at me.

Miranda nodded her head extremely fast, almost hitting her head against Cody's. "Mommy's the beautifulest person."

"She is, isn't she?" Cody chuckled.

Again Miranda nodded her head.

"Why don't you go play out back some? I'll be out there soon." Cody smiled before putting her back down and watching as she ran out of the room and down the stairs.

"You ready for two of though's to be running around here?" I chuckled.

"Only because it's a boy." Cody joked, causing me to hit his arm lightly.

Cody smiled while wrapping his arms around my waist and looking down at my stomach.

"You need to hurry up little man. Your dad is dying out here with all these girls running around." He spoke with a smirk on his face which caused me to roll my eyes at him.

"You're a dork." I laughed.

"But I'm your dork." He smiled cheekily.

I sighed and looked away from him for a moment. "Sadly."

Cody gasped in mock hurt. "Rude!"

I laughed as he pulled me into him, my head resting on his shoulder and his resting on top of mine lightly. "I think their is something between us."

I laughed and nodded my head slightly. "Yeah, you might just be right."

Cody laughed in reply while pulling me in closer to him and kissing the top of my head a few times which caused my eyes to flutter close and a small smile to come across my lips.

"I've missed this..." I whispered.

A small sigh slipped through Cody's lips as his arms came across me a little tighter. "I've missed this too, baby." He whispered back.

"Can we just stay in this moment forever?" I questioned and Cody laughed lightly in reply.

"Well no, but we'll have more of these moments, alright? I promise you, Angel." Cody said softly, pulling back a little so he could look me in the eyes. "I promise you that we'll start being like this more often again. I miss this. I need this."

"I need this too, Cody. Thank you so much for staying with me through everything that we have been through." I smiled and kissed him a few times before pulling away and meeting his beautiful, bright blue eyes.

"It's me and you, baby. Forever and always. No matter what." He smiled.

"Good. Now, lets go outside with Miranda before she breaks something again." I said and Cody laughed.

I slipped on some shorts and a shirt that used to be big on me but was now pretty tight around my stomach before walking downstairs and outside with Cody and Miranda who were playing on the little play set that was outside. Sitting down on one of the chairs in the shade, I smiled at them as Cody pushed Miranda on the swing before she all of a sudden jumped down and ran across the yard to me. Cody following closely behind her.

"Hey Apple." I smiled as she came and stood in front of me.

"Hi mommy. Hi Landon." She smiled at me before waving towards my stomach and kissing it lightly.

My eyes met Cody's and I watched the huge smile that came across his face as he watched what she did.

"Miranda are you excited to be a big sister?" Cody asked while sitting down next to me and grabbing my hand tightly in his.

"Yes." Miranda answered before turning away and running back towards the play set, causing both Cody and I to laugh.

"It's days like this that I love to hold onto." I smiled over at him.

"Me too baby, me too." He smiled before kissing the back of my hand a few times.

Today was the day that I really started to feel like I was going to be alright after all. Maybe, just maybe I would be okay.

Missing Her Was Grey. (Sequel To But Losing Her Was Blue)Where stories live. Discover now