Chapter 5: One Big Family.

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"No I want to do it!" Cody whinned and I couldn't stop myself from laughing as we raced up the stairs.

Cody managed to beat me into Miranda's bedroom and he slowed down, walking over to her crib and picking her crying figure up. Yes, you read that right, Cody and I were fighting over who was going to take care of Miranda. I giggled as I walked over to him and rested my chin on his shoulder as I looked down at our little girl who was growing every day. We had been back for nearly a month now. If it was even possible, Miranda had brought Cody and I even closer to each other.

Cody rocked her back and forth, gently humming tunes to her and I brought my arms up and around his waist. My eyes fluttered closed and I hummened with contentment. This moment was so perfect. Just me, Cody, and our beautiful little girl. In the month that we had been home and Miranda had been born, she had started to grow her hair a little more. It was now blond, the same as Cody's and little ringlets were forming on the top of her little head, matching mine. When she looked at Cody right now, I noticed her eyes were also the same brilliant blue as his. I was so hoping she would get his eyes.

"She's the perfect image of the two of us." I whispered and Cody smiled over at me.

"I was just thinking the same thing." He softly spoke back.

Looking at the clock on the wall above her crib, I seen that it was inching towards 8:30, which ment it was passed Miranda's bed time. We had been trying to keep her on a normal sleeping pattern, which is what we were advised to do. Right now, Miranda had been sleeping through the night, which was pretty good, given she was only a month old. I mentioned the time to Cody and he nodded his head slightly, handing Miranda over to me before leaving to make her a bottle.

I sat down in the rocking chair and started rocking back and forther while gently patting her back. Judging the way that her eyes were drouping closed, I figured that she wouldn't even need her bottle right now. Cody came back and she was already fast asleep in my arms. Cody smiled a little, placing the warm bottle on the changing station, he lend against the wall by the door, watching me as I walked over and placing her into her crib, kissing her forhead.

Following Cody out of the room, we flipped the light off and shut the door, leaving it open a little so we could here her if she woke up, even though we had a baby moniter in every room of the house. Cody was pretty protective when it came to his little princess, not that I blamed him. Sam was the same way with Emma. Cody and I walked down the hallway and into our room, closing the door behind us. I smiled as he walked over, slipped out of his shirt and flopped down on the bed.

"Do you know how amazing it feels?" He questioned.

I walked over to the dresser and started to change into shorts and a sweater, letting my hair out of it's previous messy bun, the curls falling down to my waist. I sat down on the bed and lend against the headboard of the bed while slipping my glasses onto my face. "How amazing what feels?"

"Being a father! Knowing that their's a little girls life in my hands, knowing that now that every choice I make now not only effects you and I, but also Miranda." He said, turning and smiling at me.

I returened it. "I know, it's crazy."

"It's the best feeling in the world!" He said and I giggled, watching as he moved so he was sitting next to me. His legs slipped under mine before he rested his hand on my thigh.

"You ready for tomorrow?" I asked and he sighed but nodded his head slightly.

Tomorrow, the whole family was getting together for a little family dinner. Although it wouldn't be that little with how large our family had suddenly become. We had added two little girls into the mix of the family, now it was pretty amazing to think of how large it was. Me, Cody, Miranda, my mom, Jake, Sam, Lucy, Emma, Brad, Angie, Tom and Alli. I was even going to be meeting some of Cody's family that I had only met brefiley at the wedding.

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