Chapter 6: 4th Of July.

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    Going outside and smiling as I seen Emily in the pool with Miranda in her hands. Miranda was looking around with her normal wide and curious eyes. She giggled as Emily put her further into the water, up past her stomach. Em went and placed Miranda in the same blowup as Emma was in before pushing away. Lucy was watching and playing with Emma and Miranda as other family members were in the pool. When Emily noticed me walking over to the pool, she swam up to the edge and held an arm out.

"Thank you." she smiled and my heart started beating faster at the simple smile on her lips.

I sat on the edge and dangled my feet in the water as we both took a drink. Placing them to the side, before turning my attention back to her. "Having a good day?" I asked her and she smiled, leaning her arms on my legs.

"It's been incredible. I love having the whole family here." She smiled. "Now, would you come into the pool with me?"

   I smiled before slipping off my shirt and sliding into the pool with her. I gripped her by the waist and placing 3 soft kisses on her lips before she pulled away. Her cheeks were pink from embarressment. I knew that she didn't like me kissing her in front of our family like that. 

"Lets all take a picture!" My mum said loudly and we all started to get out of the pool and stand in front of our fence. 

    Emily, Miranda and I stood next to each other, then  Lucy, Emma and Sam, followed by Jake and Tori standing behind us making weird faces. Then, Courtney and her friends, Alli and Tom. Once my mum snapped the picture, she handed the phone back to Alli and I watched as she Instagramed and Tweeted it, tagging all of us in it. Everyone started to get back into the pool while my dad was cooking on the grill. I walked over and grabbed my mum and dragging her inside the slidding doors.

"What's going on Cody?" She questioned.

"I have a favore to ask you." I started and she smiled a little. "Do you think you could watch Miranda for like 2 days for me?"

My mum looked at me for a few minutes before her smile widdend and she nodded her head while saying, "Of course. May I ask why?"

"I want to take Emily for a nice weekend away. She could us it. You know, I've been so busy lately that I feel like she's kinda getting distant. She just doesn't seem like herself and I'm a little worried." I answered and my mum came over and hugged me tightly. 

"I understand. Sometimes, we all need a little break from everything. A breather, you know?" She said and I nodded my head as we pulled away from each other. "Just bring her over to the house tomorrow morning."

    Walking back outside, I sat down and watched Emily closely. She seemed so, I don't know, none Emily like lately. I could tell by her eyes she was beyond tired and I knew I was the main reason for that. Emily has been just about on her own, minus a little help from our family's, when it comes to raising Miranda. I felt like the worse husband/ father in the world right now. I hadn't been there for her enough through these last few weeks. Mainly because we were working on the new album for the summertime.

    Emily glanced up and her eyes met mine. She drew her eyebrows together in question as she caught me starring at her.  I shook my head slightly and sent her a small smile in return. She walked over to me, handing Miranda to her mum before gently sitting on my lap. My arms snaking around her waist as her head rested on my chest. I was running my hand up and down her back softly and I felt her instently relax against me as I continued. 

"I've missed this." She mumbled into the crook of my neck. 

My eyes fluttered closed. "Me too, babe." Emily moved slightly and kissed my lips. "I promise I'm going to start being here more." 

"Cody you've got a lot going on right now and I understand that. Don't stop what  you're doing for Miranda and I. Your fans need you." She reassured me.

I shook my head. "My two favorite and most important fans need me too." 

She smiled and nodded her head. "I'm not going to lie and say that we don't. But honestly, I need you more. I miss having you there every morning, being weird and trying to cook my breakfast. I miss us."

Looking into her eyes, I seen the sadness there and it made me feel like an absolute ass. I raised one of my hands and cupped her face lightly. "I miss it too, Em. You have no idea. I promise you, from now on, I'm going to be there. Sure, I'll still be working on DWTS and on our new CD so we can make the deadline in the summer. I've got a lot going on but you just need to see that the most important thing to me, is my little family." I told her. "And you should know by now, that the most absolute, number one thing on my mind, the only thing that means more to me then anything else in the world, is you."

Emily went to say something but I stopped her. "My job as your husband is to make sure you are well taken care of. That you know that you are loved unconditionally and that nothing stands in our way of being happy forever. Okay?"

She nodded her head. "Okay."

"I love you." I promised. 

"I love you, too." She whispered before kissing my lips lightly 3 times. 

"Good. Now, my mums going to be watching Miranda for us this weekened." I said and her beautiful eyes widened slightly. 

"Why?" She asked.

I smirked. "I'm taking you away. You need a break and so do I. We'll drop her off first thing in the morning before heading out to a very special place."

"Whe-" But she stopped when she seen the look in my eyes. "You're not going to tell me are you?"

I chuckled and shook my head. "Nope."

    Emily giggled, the sound sending beautiful shivers through my whole body. "Alright love birds, we've waited long enough. We're doing the fireworks now!" Jake shouted and Emily and I laughed. She stood up, taking my hand in hers and walking back over to the pool. We got back in and I sat down on the steps, pulling her back to me as she was holding Miranda in he arms. This was so perfect. My beautiful little family.

    My dad snapped a picture of us looking up at the fireworks and I chuckled, we looked so happy. I gazed down at Miranda, seeing her brilliant blue eyes looking up at the sky. She was so curious. Emily moved a little closer to me, leaning her head onto my shoulder as Miranda just sat in her flootie. I placed soft kisses on her neck, causing her eyes to flutter close. I whispered 'I love you' over and over to her and she giggled after awhile.

"Happy 4th of July baby." I said and she smiled up at me before kissing me a few times.

"Right back at you." She replied before looking away.

    I couldn't wipe the smile off of my lips. I felt like Emily was slowly coming back to me. But there was still something nagging at the back of my mind. Something that was saying that this wasn't going to last. Our happiness. I tried not to think about the weird feeling but it just woulnd't go away. I tried to focus on Emily and Miranda, on our family and the firework show but nothing worked. I had a feeling that it was something to do with Emily's sickness. My mind drowned everything out when Emily started kissing my neck softly. It was just a dumb feeling, It was just a dumb feeling. I kept repeating to myself until I had pushed the thought away. Focused on now. On this. Because this, it all that matters.

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