Chapter 4: Welcome Little Miranda.

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Cody's POV~

"I don't know man, I just really want to do someone special for her, you know? We've been together for so long and given everything that we've been through, she deserves something truly amazing." I told Jake and he nodded his head at me.

"Yeah I get it, but theirs not much she can do. You know, because of how far along she is." He replied. 

I sighed before hearing my phone go off. Reaching for it, I furrowed my eyebrows when I seen Alli was calling me. "Hey Alls, what's up?" 

"Emily's water broke! We're almost to the hospital. You need to get here fast." She said and my heart leaped out of my chest as I shot up out of my seat. 

"I'll be there in 10." Hanging up, I started practially running towards the door. 

"Wait, what's going on?" Jake asked following me to the car.

"Emily's having the baby." I said getting in and smiling as Jake cheered. 

"Well step on it dad!" He retorted and I laughed.

Emily's POV.~

"Okay, just breath Em." Alli said as she walked me into the hospital. She got the attention of a nurse who came over quickly and helped me into a wheelchair. 

"How far apart are your contractions?" She questioned.

"They are about 10 to 15 minutes." Alli answered for me and I smiled as she took my hand in hers.

"Okay, that's good." The nurse repiled.

I got into a room and she helped me out. Once I was changed into a hospital gown, ew, I was walked over to a bed where I laid down. "Alli where is Cody?" I asked.

"He said he would be here in 10 minutes." She said and I groaned, gripping onto the sheet of the bed as another contraction hit. 

Next thing I know, Lucy, my mom, Cody's parents and Tom walked into the room. They all smiled at me before coming over and hugging me. 

"It's finally happening, huh?" Lucy  asked and I smiled, nodding my head. 

"Where is-" But before Angie could finish her sentence, Cody and Jake came running into the room. 

Jake, who for some reason wasn't wearing any shoes, slid across the room on accedent because of his socks and ran right into the nurse who looked anoyed by all of us. I couldn't help but laugh as he smiled at her with slightly red cheeks before walking over and sitting by Lucy. "Okay, I need everyone but the baby's father and the mother of the mother to leave and wait outside in the waiting room, please." 

Everyone sighed but walked over, kissing my forhead and hugging me lightly before leaving the room. Cody rushed over to my side and took my hand in his tightly. "I came as quickly as I could." He said, leaning down and kissing me lightly. 

"You did good. You made it, didn't you?" I asked and he smiled and nodded his head. 

"Alright, so we're having a baby today huh?" I heared a deep voice say and we all looked towards Dr. Mason and smiled. He was just a really nice person. "Is it a girl or a boy? Or did you guys not want to know the sex until he or she was born?" He smiled, slipping on a pair of gloves. 

"It's a girl." Cody said and smiled down at me. 

"Ah, she'll be beautiful, just by the looks of you two." He said and Cody and I smiled at each other. 

"Alright, now lets see how far you are." He said and Cody's eyes never left mine. Once Dr. Mason was finished, he sliped his gloves off and threw them away before walking back to us. "Looks like you're about 4 centimeters." He said and I groaned. 

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