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I can't do this anymore...

I can't deal with Cody always being gone...

I feel like I'm raising Miranda on my own.

Sure, Cody helps out whenever he can, but lets be real about this for a minute:

He's been working so hard on his new album,

He's been on Dancing With The Stars, so he's been gone for practices every day.

He says he's trying his best but, I just don't know anymore...

At first, everything was going amazingly with us.

We got married.

Had a baby.

Everyone thought that we were the most perfect relationship ever. 

Everyone always said:

I want that kind of relationship,

I want to be that happy,

I want that kind of love.

But now, things are so different.

We argue.

We fight. 

We say things that we don't mean at the time out of anger.

But I think it's time to face the reality...

We can't do this forever.

I don't want to do this forever.

I love him, more then life itself. 

And I know he loves me.

But maybe it's true...

That people change and grow apart.

Maybe that's what's going to happen with us.

I don't want it to.

But sometimes, we can't ignore something that's starring us right in the face.

Weather it's good or bad.

And this is all starting to feel bad...

Maybe all good things do come to an end.

And this just so happens to be one of thoughs...

Missing Her Was Grey. (Sequel To But Losing Her Was Blue)Where stories live. Discover now