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Taylor tore her lips away from Michelle's as the screen blipped to life with an image of Seth holding a slobber and cheerio covered 7 month year old. He looked tired, dark circles underneath his eyes and his dirty blond hair was curly and unkempt, beard starting to sprout from his usually smooth shaven chin.

The baby in his arms was Toby, the latest edition to the family, with gorgeous big green eyes and blond curls just like his dad. He was happy, playing with a stuffed duck, swinging it this way and that, fascinated with the way the toy moved, wacking his dad in the face every once in a while, but Seth didn't mind. Only chuckled and pecked him on the cheek, telling him to "Say 'hi' to auntie Taylor!"

"I don't think the baby can talk yet, Seth." Michelle pointed out. Seth grinned, knowing Michelle was only joking around. "Hey, how are you guys?" Taylor told him they were fine and that they had news. Seth looked intrigued.

"I popped the question,"


"She said yes,"

"Like I would say no?"

"We're getting married!" Taylor finished, shooting an amused look at her fiance. Seth jumped up with the baby and began dancing around the living room, stepping on a Lego and limping back to his seat on the stained once beautiful brand new couch. That was the price of having, like, 8 kids all under the age of 6.

"Congratulations! When did you ask?" He wondered. "A few days ago. We've be sort of celebrating by ourselves, that's why we haven't told anyone." Taylor told him, reaching for Michelle's hand. Seth didn't have to ask what that meant, he saw it in the sparkle of his sisters eye and the knowing smile peeking from Michelle's lips.

"Have you told mom the news?" Michelle scoffed while Taylor rolled her eyes at Seth's question. He knew it was stupid, but he just had to try. His relationship with his mother hadn't been the same since Taylor's final year of high school, but that didn't mean he didn't consider her family. He didn't feel like family should fight. He wondered if Taylor would ever get over what their mother did. Wondered if she even should.

"Tell mom what? I'm engaged to my girlfriend of whom she hates with a passion and ask her where she would like me to send her save-the-date?" Michelle shook her head at the bitter tone of Taylor's voice. She resented so much of her mother that she couldn't see past it.

"I've been trying to get her to budge but I don't think she wants to tell her. I think it would be a great idea, a way for them to get closer. Everybody loves a good wedding." Seth laughed then and shook his head, too, knowing Taylor's mind was almost impossible to change. Once she set her mind on something, she stuck to it. Even when it wasn't healthy.

"No, our mother does not. At my wedding she wouldn't even sit down. She stood off to the side and criticized Sarah's family to their faces. Most of them still won't invite her over for the holidays." Taylor nodded. "I remember that. She wouldn't even shake Sarah's great grandmother's hand. She died three months later. Seth and I thought it was due to our mother's coldness spreading to her." Seth nodded vigorously along with his twin.

Michelle laughed it off. "So have you guys thought of a date? A venue? Colors? Guest lists? Honeymoon?" Taylor frowned. "No...not...not yet, I mean, it just happened," she looked to Michelle.

"Um, it probably going to be small. A chapel, a few witnesses. I don't have any family."

"Now you do," Seth said. Michelle smiled while Taylor kissed her cheek. "I know." She mumbled happily. Seth noticed then that Toby needed a diaper change and quickly hung up. Taylor laid back in the bed happily pulling Michelle down with her.

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