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The figure on the screen wore a black coat that went past his knees. He was grasping the thin frail arm of a girl that looked no older than 18 and who was looking around frantically, almost like she was looking for a way out of the situation she'd gotten herself into. The man's face was covered by huge sun glasses and his hair was under a cap, only tufts of dirty blonde hair peaking out on the sides of his head. He was about 6 feet tall, if not taller, and the girl was almost half of that height. My eyes roamed over their surroundings. A empty motel parking lot with only a white van sitting in the corner of the parking lot. The building was one story high and each door was a diferent shade of green with dim and ditry golden numbers and letters screwed on to them in a decending order. he was holding a key in his free hand and over his shoulder was a black back-pack stuffed with all sorts of mysterious things. He looked up to no good, and I know that he was up to nothing good at all.

The girls cheeks were shining with tears and she looked to be talking, although we couldn't hear a thing. She was talking fast as they were walking.
Well, he was. She was being tugged along as her bare feet padded against the concrete. I wondered where her shoes had gone for a moment, before telling myself it didn't matter where they went.

I turned away from the video I'd already seen a thousand times as he swirled around on her to hit her. He would slash her face with the key and shout at her and she'd slump down holding both hands over the bleeding wound on her cheek and he's pull her along the concrete and she would finally start waking as to not be dragged agian the ground and they'd disappear behind the corner until he'd leave at 7 O'Clock in the morning with his bag over his shoulder and he'd be walking with determination to the white van in the corner and he'd get in swiftly and leave the parking lot quickly, going noth and heading to a high way. The highway we patrolled yesterday.

Peter sat beside me, his fingers on the touch screen computer as he rewinded the video to the point before the girl was attacked with the key and he zoomed in to see her face. He was looking so intently, I started to worry, but he then looked at me and shook his head.

"Still a Jane Doe. they have her body, but no one's been in to claim the body. She's going to be cremated unless someone speaks up and says they knew her. She probably ran away from home at a very young age." The girl was found the next morning already rotting in the bathtub in a pool of her own blood. She was naked and her arms had been slashed open and her throat slit. There was evidence of rape and there was no DNA of the guy who'd killed her. He was a mystery and it was starting to piss me off.

We'd been chasing him for four days now, and I thought by now we'd be done, but this guy was good. He knew what he was doing. All we had to go on was the fact that we had a wall full of pictures of his seemingly countless vticims that seemed to multiply over night and the fact that he killed so often and he was always in different places. It was hard chasing someone who seemed to be everywhere at once. I looked back at the wall full of the pictures of all of the innocence he'd cut away from this world. all the girls had two things in common. They were all in between the ages of 17 and 24 and they all had natural red hair. I didn't know if it was some kind of fetish the creep had or it was just a coincidence.

"Was he married?" I asked Peter. He gave me a strange look but shook his head slowly. "No, why?" I shook my head. "He had to know a girl with red hair. all of his victims had red hair and they are within the acceptable age of a wife he could have lost about twenty years ago. Maybe this serial rapist is looking for girls that look like a wife or a girlfriend or even someone he was obsessed with."

Peter turned around and called out, "Holly?" She looked up from her computer across the room where she was watching and patrolling the streets looking for crime. she was young, like me, and she was strictly an inside type of team member. She didn't do any of the killing herself, she was just a really smart hacker. If I didn't know any better, I would accuse her of robbing a couple of banks for fun.

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