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"What...uh...what happened to it?" Michelle stood in her living room in jeans and a t-shirt, biting her nails. The repair man was staring down at the broken TV in front of them. "I don't know. Can you fix it? It's my girlfriend's TV." 

"Might be cheaper just to buy a new one." Michelle sighed and sat deflated on the couch, jumping as she felt something under her. She pulled it out and discovered it was a bottle she'd missed. She chuckled in self-pity. "Just give me a straight answer." 

"Yes." She nodded. "Good." 

She pulled her phone out of her pocket. She had wrapped it in saran wrap to keep the glass from piercing her fingers as she typed and tried Taylor again. When she didn't answer, she called Victoria's number again. She got nothing. Just a message that told her the number was no longer in service. She knew something was going on. She knew Victoria was in on it, and she knew she had to find out what it was. 

"How soon do you think you could pick it up?" She stood asking him. He turned to her. "Tomorrow? around 2 pm?" She nodded. "Okay, perfect." She ushered him out and grabbed her jacket and wallet from the room, going down after him. 

She had to figure this shit out. Victoria drugged her. Drugged her and trashed her apartment? Why would she do that? Why would she go through so much fucking trouble to make it seem like she'd gone on another bender? 

Michelle was smarter than that. She'd stolen a breathalyzer off a cop a few years ago and if she had gone on a bender and had gotten so shitfaced she blacked out and forgot the last 24 hours, she would have alcohol in her system. She was clear. She hadn't had a single drop of alcohol. 

She arrived at the gallery about an hour later and entered, asking the reception if the owner was in. She was ushered up the fourth floor where she waited for him. When he came out of his office, she thought he looked like Jesus a little bit, with his long beard and his hair in a ponytail. He smiled. 

"Hello, Michelle, was it?" She nodded. "Yes, hi." he led her into his office and shut the door. "What can I do for you?" 

"I'm looking for one of your employees. I know you aren't allowed to give out specific information about anyone, but I really need to speak with her. We have a few unresolved issues. Her name is Victoria. She's kind of exotic looking, really intimidating with long legs." He frowned. 

"I'm sorry, I...I only own the gallery. If anyone works here for any purposes, they are to submit licenses to the board, of whom I don't have any authority. Did she take something from you?" Michelle laughed but stopped when she thought those words sounded familiar to her. 

"I'm going to take you from her, just as she took Talia from me."  

she stood from her seat in front of his desk. He frowned. "Something wrong?" She shook her head. "No...I mean, yeah, I mean...I have to go. Thanks so much for speaking with me, but forget it. I think I have galleries confused or something." He nodded, standing as well. She turned and left before he could say anything else and found herself running to the closest bathroom, rushing into the closest stall and falling to her knees, throwing up into the toilet. Her stomach was twisting in knots. 

She rested her sweat drenched head on her forearm and let out a gasp. She didn't know what the fuck was going on, but she knew it had everything to do with Taylor and Talia. 

She pulled her phone out again and dialed Taylor's number, praying she's pick up. It rang and rang. She got her voicemail.

She couldn't help herself, she cried. Something happened. She knew it. She just didn't know what. Taylor had gotten mixed up with some bad people and she doubted even she knew what they were capable of.

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