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I stood inside the storage unit with dust swirling around the air and a tiny little bulb hanging from the ceiling that didn't really illuminate shit. Beside me was Victoria, standing in designer clothes, a cream colored sweater dress she told me was designed by Vera Wang, as if I cared.

She whistled. I couldn't tell if it was a positive or negative response so I ignored it and chewed on my nail. It took a few minutes for her to speak up, but when she did, I wished she hadn't.

"You really hated the bitch, huh?" I stared down at the painting with a churning stomach and sweaty palms. I couldn't show it; I'd end up ruining my relationship and it was going so good as of late.

"No, I never met her. I just hate the ghost of her." Veronica caught my eye and grinned devilishly. "All the better. The emotion is raw. I can feel the anger, the aggression, the sorrow. This ghost girl is all you've been able to think about and I can tell. There's a story in here; a real art. I'm in love with it and I know there are several others who would be thrilled to have this peice hanging in their living rooms."

"Except for the fact that its not for sale. Or up for discussion. I can't show this, its too personal and it would hurt Taylor." She 'tsked' with her tongue and stroked the painting with one attentive finger.

"Now, Michelle. No one gets away from this life without feeling a little pain." I wanted to slap her. I know what she was saying, but I didn't agree at all. I was not going to show this; Taylor was mentally scared enough as it was.

"I won't do it, I already gave you my final piece-"

"And you won't get discovered if you don't take risks, my dear." I gritted my teeth. "My love life isn't on the list of 'risks I want to take'."

She held her hands up in surrender.

"Fine. Stay an underground artist." I watched as she flicked the light off and left the room, waiting at the entrance for me and then closed the door.

"We need your dress." She said happily, almost like she forgot that she'd been completely invasive and pushy about five seconds ago.

"I've got plenty of dresses at home in my closet waiting to be worn. Taylor buys me a lot of them." She turned and frowned disapprovingly at me. "Does Taylor also tell you what to eat and when to go to bed?"

She turned and held up her purse. "Besides, it on me." She waved it around in the air like it was the last golden ticket and sashayed to the car.

I put my face in my hands and let out a huge sigh as I caught myself staring at her ass. I was just horny. I needed Taylor so that she could fuck all the horny out of me. That's all.

I followed Victoria and got in the passengers side.

Over the last couple of days I'd gotten better at ignoring Victoria's sexy tone and stopped myself from looking down at her chest that was somehow always being shown in anything she wore. I told myself I was not a cheater and that casual sex hadn't been me ever since Taylor came into my life.

I didn't need to know what Victoria tasted like and I didn't need to know what her moans sounded like, even if it drove me crazy when she touched me. I was only craving sex with my girlfriend, or at least that's what I'd convinced myself of.

I didn't even think it was sexual frustration anymore. I think it was just wanting someone who would spend time with me, and once Taylor was back; before I pinned her to the bed for 5 hours straight, I was going to talk to her. I was going to tell her I wanted more of her and then we were going to fuck each others brains out because I'd actually been driven to use some of my old toys last night to get myself to orgasm.

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