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The house was cute. A little two bedroom townhouse with green grass and a garden. Taylor could only smile at it as she knocked on the cherry wood door. It swung open and Jordan appeared. His long hair was pulled back into a bun. He wore a pink frilly apron and in his hand was his cell phone.

"Taylor. I was just calling you." She'd left her phone in the car, so she shrugged. "What are you wearing?" He looked down and grinned. "Cam's got a birthday party to go to tomorrow, so I'm making brownies. From scratch." She let out a chuckle. "You're such a bitch. You're a soft little gum drop. You're a fucking housewife." He rolled his eyes. "You gonna come in?" Taylor nodded. She stepped in and Jordan shut the door. The house did indeed smell like fudge brownies. It was neat, with a little hint of 'child' to it. There were tiny shoes pushed off against the wall by a bench with a tiny little boy's jacket perched on it. The walls were half wedding and family photos and half little kid drawings. There was a behavior chart on the wall with mostly punishments checked off. Toys laid around in the sitting room and Jordan spotted them the same time Taylor did. He sighed.

"Cam!" He shouted. There were tiny little pitter-patters as he came running from the back of the house. He wore a gray t-shirt and blue jeans, his feet in white socks. He had chocolate on his face and he was smiling like a fool. "Pick up your toys, buddy. What did I tell you about leaving messes?" Cam looked over to his mess and frowned.

"I pickeded them up already! Earlier." Jordan shook his head. "Well pick them up again, please." The boy sighed and stomped off to pick up his toys. Taylor shuddered. Kids. Jordan led Taylor back through the sitting room to a hall on the right. There were four doors in the hall. He stopped at the first one on the left.

"She might be sleeping. She just took her vitamins and the only way she can really keep them down is if she sleeps after. Otherwise she just pukes them all up again." Taylor nodded. If he kept talking about it, she might hurl herself. She touched her hand to the door knob but Jordan reached out and grabbed her arm. "She's not...She's frail. Smaller than she used to be. With Cam she gained almost 60 pounds, but with this one...she lost almost 20. I don't know what to do." Taylor sighed.

"Just...let me talk to her. See what the hell she's thinking." He nodded and let go of her arm.

He was one of the good ones. One of the guys that she trusted. Him and her brother were it for her. Every other guy had screwed her over or would if she ever gave them the chance. She was glad Hannah had him in her life and she was able to build this with him. Build this beautiful life and family with such a trustworthy guy.

She turned the knock and braced herself. The room was brightly lit, the window letting in the late afternoon rays. The view was breathtaking. A garden with all kinds of flowers in it, lush green grass, and the lake in the back with a beautiful skyline of mountains in the back. It was glorious. Sometimes better than the humongous buildings in New York. Taylor forgot what she was running from when she looked at it, but then remembered it wasn't the nature she was getting away from, it was the people.

Hannah was under a light white sheet, her blonde hair curly and up in a high messy bun on the top or her head. There was a sheen of sweat on her face and her arm was stretched out across the bed, an IV running from a needle into her arm over to the bag, which was dangling from a hook on the bedpost. The bedside table held at least a dozen different pill bottles and a glass of water and resting on her bloated belly was an informational pamphlet on nutrition. She was sleeping, her soft snores the only other sound in the room except for Taylor's own breathing.

She was pale and her cheeks looked sunken in, her arms so skinny. She looked to be on deaths doorstep. She hoped not.

Taylor sat down on the bed after a while and stared at her best friend, biting her cheeks and trying not to cry. She reached out and took her friends hand in hers. Her skin was cool, clammy. She didn't know if that was a bad thing. She didn't think too hard about it. She's touched a dead person before. Hannah didn't feel dead to her.

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