Day 25

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" You need to believe everything's going to be alright and try to move on. Sometimes the hardest decisions are the right ones."

I made my mind. I agreed to do a concert and when I told my father and Marcus, they were on cloud nine. And we were sold out in 10 minutes! The fans were too excited and the love we got is unbelievable!

I'm so happy because I met Ana. She turned my life upside down and she was the one who convinced me to do this concert. Without her, I would be drowning!

She's right! The hardest decisions are the right ones. I didn't want to do this because I was too busy thinking about all the misery I have been going through. I feel like this concert will make me feel better, I feel like I will start to love life again!

And it's all thanks to the little girl. She's my guardian Angel now. I told her to come with me to my house so she can meet Emma and play with her since they are almost the same age but she refused I don't know why.

Angel, i don't know if you can hear me or not, but I just want you to know that I will never forget you and you will always be on my mind! And know that every song i'm going to sing tomorrow night will be dedicated to you.  I will imagine you right next to me, I will sing with passion because I know that's what you want me to do.

Gotta go now! I need to rehearse with Marcus! I haven't sung with him in a while and I really miss it.

I feel tomorrow will be a special day!

See you after the concert Angel!


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