Chapter Forty-Four

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The great thing about thinking that you're going to die, is that when you wake up next, it's like a mini-miracle.

Yeah, I hurt. Shit, every part of me hurt. I felt like my blood had boiled while I was out. But I was alive.

I opened my eyes to blue skies and palm trees.

“Where the hell am I?” I croaked.

“Kat! You're back with us.” Sophie said as she came and stood above me.

“Where are we, Sophie?” I blinked a few times, trying to wake up my brain.

“The Master has kept his word. He brought you on vacation. Well, he brought all of us on vacation.” She laughed.

I turned and saw that we were sitting in the shade of a large umbrella. We were on a beach. A beautiful beach house sat behind us. Konkoers and John sat on the deck, they waved at me when I looked over.

“What?” I was confused, almost convinced that I must be dead.

“Well, he had to keep his word, but he had to bring all of to tend to the things that would require daylight hours, and Konkoers had to come to make sure you were well.” She laughed.

“Okay, we're on vacation at the beach?”

“The Master owns this island. You've been asleep for two days, Kat. It was easy enough to move you with his jet.” She smiled and patted my hand.

“Okay, I guess I could get used to this.” I smiled.

“Konkoers says that you should be completely healed. Harkins has returned from the Pentagon. He says that there is another case for you once you're ready to get back to work.” Sophie sat on the sand next to me.

“Uh huh. I think I need a little vacation.” I chuckled.

“There's going to be a ceremony in a few days for you guys. You're heroes. The government wants to honor you.” She continued.

“Do we have to go?” I wasn't ready to head back to the chaos of work just yet.

“I believe so.”

“Well, at least I get a few days of this place before we have to head back.” I sighed.

“True. The Master should be awake in a few hours.”

I couldn't imagine anything better than spend the next few days with Andrew on this piece of paradise. Then I'd go back and deal with what they had waiting on my desk. But for now, I was going to enjoy myself. Starting with an umbrella drink.

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