Chapter Eighteen

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“Count me in, Kat.” Andrew laughed.

“In an attempt to sound like the voice of reason, perhaps this was someone else?” John didn't even sound like he believed it.

“If it is, then everything will be fine. But I'll know. Now, you boys can sit here and be civil with each other, I have to get ready to make an appearance at Shadowfire's shop again and then this evening I have a scary vampire to meet.” I slid off my couch with the grace of my namesake.

I walked back to my room and firmly shut the door. I didn't care if they ate each other, it would be one less thing for me to deal with. It wasn't that I didn't like them, that was the problem. I liked them both.

As I climbed into the shower I thought back to the last time I was in the Valley and had fallen for two guys. The memories were both happy and sad. I ended up losing them both. I guess that is the way it works though. You can't have your cake and eat it too, right? I had thought I had made the right choice, but he ended up cheating on me with his ex- I know I mentioned this. The other guy, who was probably the better one for me, left our school when his dad was stationed somewhere else. That was forever filed under the “what ifs” of my life.

The shower felt nice. It helped to push some of the remaining cold that still hung onto me like vinyl on a sweaty body. I didn't want to think that a fellow witch had attacked me in my home, but the evidence was pretty obvious. Maybe he knew that I had felt something off about him. Fuck if I know. I wasn't positive about what I was going to do once I got to his shop, but I knew that it had to be played right, and I had to make sure he realized he wasn't dealing with a fresh witch- one just coming into her powers.

I shut the water off and stepped out into my foggy bathroom. The chill made me cringe. If Andrew hadn't... No, I'm not going there! It was hard not to focus on the fact that the vampire had saved my life. I knew that I would've died.

I pulled on my tight leather pants. They felt good, like a second skin on me. The black bustier hugged every curve and lifted my large breasts up to greet the world. I quickly applied some black eyeliner and blood red lipstick. I slipped on my black leather duster, and then grabbed my boots. My hair fell down in a dark curtain.

When I walked out into the living room, the guys turned from the TV- they decided one watching a criminal show. A tingle of pleasure ripped through my body as I saw the desire in both of their eyes.

I loved the power that woman held over those attached to them. It was a power that was easy to manipulate.

“Well, you boys gonna keep drooling or would you like to accompany me? I think it is late enough for you to go out, Andrew.” I smile.

“It is. The setting sun does not bother me at all.” He confirmed.

“Would you like to take your car or mine, Kat?” John asked.

“Mine, if you don't mind. I'm not sure what I am going to need for protection and I doubt you have the things I've got in mine, in yours.” I walked passed them and opened the front door.

“After you, Andrew.” John gestured for him to go first.

“No, after you.” Andrew returned the gesture.

“Get the hell out of my house.” I knew they could go on forever if I let them.

They both scrambled out the door. John ended up coming out first. I could see that it was a serious blow to his manhood. I wanted to laugh and shake my head.

We all piled into my Jeep. It felt strange to have so many people in my car. This was particularly obvious since John and Andrew were not small men, and they took up lots of space. Even with my seat forward as far as possible, John ended up tucking his legs up onto the seat next to him.

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