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Sarah: Hey! We have so many questions!! Thanks everyone!

AngelicaStaples: cx Slendy looks so cute :D Any way.. EVERYONE OBEY SALLY FOR A DAY!

Sally: Yay!!!

Everyone: Damn...

Mollie: When's Dakota getting back?

Dakota: *comes back silent and covered in blood* ...that...was...AWESOME!

Slendy: I'm glad you enjoy killing my dear.

BEN: You can all have the cake now if ya want.

Dakota: I now declare it confessions day! After our cake, we have to say three things out loud and three very secret things to your lover/BFF. I'll go first okay? *takes a slice of cake* 1) I'm not immortal yet! *glances hopefully at Slenderman* 2) I am still quite young! I'm almost 16 3) I used to be in a band but I had to leave my old life behind, but I'm thinking of revealing myself to my best friend and my band. And to Jeff... *Walks over to Jeff and whispers* uhh 1) I am bisexual and I have had a girlfriend 2) I used to be depressed and self harm 3) I have commitment issues and social disorders so please don't hate me if I do something horrible: that goes to all of you. I can be rude, arrogant, vile and all round horrible and only yelling at my reflection will cure it so Jeff, I'm asking you to be the one to slap me out of it, even of it is a literal slap.

Jeff: Like I could ever slap you and I don't mind that you're Bi.

Dakota: Thanks... *Almost swoons but doesn't cos she's not THAT weird gosh!* But anyway! Since it is nearly my birthday, I am begging you mr Slenderman, make me immortal! I want to be a creepypasta and I want to get my powers!

Slendy: Sure. I don't know why I didn't do it earlier. *Does some weird dance thing around Dakota* You're now immortal.

Jeff: What's with the weird dance?

Sarah: Yeah! You didn't do that when I became imortal.

Mollie: He did it with me but I thought that was just because I was becoming an immortal human not a creepypasta...

Slendy: Nah. I just did it because I thought it'd make it more fancy and mysterious.

Dakota: Oookay...

Alexa: For Dakota's dare thing. 1. I wasn't married when I had Hoodie... 2. I tried to kill myself before I knew about Hoodie... I'm so glad I didn't. 3. I'm not currently in a relationship with Hoodie's father, but we are still good friends. I am actually in love with someone whose heart was broken by a girl who's missing out on an amazing man... I'll tell him my secrets when he knows who he is. Hoodie: How do you feel about this?

Hoodie: I'm sad that my mom felt so bad about stuff that she tried to kill herself but I don't mind that you don't love Dad. As long as my mom is happy.

Sarah: My go next! 1. I have an older brother who really annoys me and doesn't know that I'm a creepypasta. 2. I used to have a crush on a guy who looked so much like BEN and barely spoke except from being selfish or annoying. 3. When I was 5 or 6 I used to throw up every diner I had. I wasn't bulimic I just didn't like the food. *Walks over to BEN* Ok my other three. *Starts whispering* 1. I used to be selfharm and I have depression. 2. I have bipolar and thats why I have big mood swings at times. 3. I have a fear of being adverage. I hope that doesn't freak you out.

BEN: *Whispers back* Of course not. I love you.

Sarah: I love you too.

Mollie: Me next!! 1. I have a bit of OCD which I got from playing minecraft. 2. I have very ticklish knees. 3. I hate people touching my neck. *Starts whispering to Hoodie*.

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