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*The following events took place last night at around 8 o'clock. Sarah, BEN, Jeff, Hoodie and Masky were home alone and the others were out killing.*

Sarah: I'M BORED!!!

BEN: Then do something.

Sarah: BUT WHAT!?

Jeff: I have an idea!!

Sarah: Shut up Jeff. I WANNA DO SOMETHING!!

Jeff: Why dont we-

Sarah: Shut up Jeff. Masky? You got any ideas?

Masky: Nope sorry. I'm bored too though!



Sarah: I'M BORED!!!

Jeff: Whydontweplaytheknifesong? *Says fast so no one can interupt*

Sarah: What was that Jeff?

Jeff: NOW YOU LISTEN TO ME! Why. Dont. We. Play. The. Knife. Song?

Sarah: Too easy!

Jeff: Then lets do it blindfolded!

BEN: You're stu-

Sarah: You're on!

BEN: Arrrghhh! I'm not cleaning up the blood!

Masky: I'll play! Not blindfolded though.

Hoodie: I will too!

BEN: Hell no am I doing it. Dont even ask because I'm not.

Sarah: I'm gonna do it once without the blindfold and once with.

Jeff: Me too and whoever gets cut most looses!

Sarah: Deal! Can we use you're knife Jeff?

Jeff: Sure!

*2 minutes later*

Sarah: Right! We're all set up. I'm going first! *Picks up Jeff's knife* Done! Look! No wounds. Not even a scratch.

Jeff: Awesome. My turn but I'm not singing the song.

Sarah: Ok!

Jeff: *Picks up the knife and stabs it inbetween his fingers* You went faster than I can Sarah. *Speeds up near the end* Tadaaa! *Puts down the knife and shows his cut free fingers*

BEN: You guys are idiots!

Hoodie: My t-turn! *Moves the knife between his fingers at a slower speed* I'm not really good at this... O-only done it with a p-pencil before now. *Speeds up a bit but not a lot then puts the knife down* There. No cuts.


BEN: Watch him hurt himself. He did it with scizzors once and we couldn't get them out of his hand. We had to get Slender to do it.

Masky: *Picks up knife and trys to go same speed as Jeff*

BEN: Oh god... He's going too fast!

Masky: *Speeds up at the end and scratchs one of his fingers with the knife. It starts bleeding. He finishes and puts the knife down* Errr Jeff? You didn't put poison on this knife did you?

Jeff: No.

Masky: Oh good.

Sarah: Want me to get you a plaster Masky?

Masky: No, I'm good. It'll heal in a sec. Not very experienced with knifes.

Sarah: That's ok. BEN, could you tie my blindfold for me?

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