uncouth lady:38

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it has been two weeks since my discharge from the hospital .i have received visits from mark more than I can tell .he was always there for me.Sometimes I would wake up from my sleep to find him sound asleep at the sofa with a magazine on his lap.Naomi came to visit me a number of times too, same goes for William and his two sons.Jenny twice came to my room First was to check up on me and the second was to offer me money for what I did for her.In simple, she came to pay for my kidney.I declined saying'' I don't sell body parts''.  Damien and the mother never came back: THANK GOD! .Mark will be gone for two days and told me to wait until he returns before leaving and I promised not to move.I spent much of the day watching cartoons and reading ''the Markoff women " such an intriguing novel. Naomi and William called time to time to check on my progress.Last I heard Jenny was a looking brand new and living life to the fullest.  Noami came to visit me twice and William three times.My surgery wound has healed.It left a 7cm scar on my lower back. I took one of the two whiskeys in the alcohol drawer and took a long sip, ugh! that shit bitter but it made me feel more relaxed, and then I took another one before I knew it I was tipsy.I shouldn't probably be drinking this much considering that I now only have one kidney.I went to go sleep it off a bit but then the doorbell rang.I ignored it the first time and the person started to ring it in an annoying way .i had no choice but to go open up.

As soon who it was I hurried to shut the door but then he was so fast he blocked it from shutting He then entered and locked it .''Damien get out! why did you lock up ?you are not staying any minute longer .i was very happy when I thought you got the message.

''you reek of alcohol, are you drunk?  you shouldn't be drinking''

''Yeah I should.I have done a lot of things that I shouldn't.You included.please go.I can't talk right now, what I need to do is sleep  '' I took his arm and pulled him towards the door but he didn't budge  

''where is your boyfriend? how can he allow this?

''I'm a grown ass women .I don't need permission to do anything .what do you want? I don't have all day  ''

''What did my Mom say to you ?''

Nothing !go away now.Please let me be.Your wife is pregnant. go be with her and stop minding my business or else I will report you to the cops for harassing me cause that's what you do  ".

'' What? Pregnant ? how ?''

''oh you know it happens when two people have sex.''

  ''don't play smart with me  I know that. That's a lie made up by My mom and Naomi to keep us apart.Naomi is not pregnant, that I'm certain of.  now about my Mom what did she say ?she threatened you right something ''

No, she did not. Why won't you just leave me alone? do you find this situation amusing .why, why do you insist on making Naomi and me suffer?

''I called off the engagement with Naomi .it was all a business deal, nothing more'' 

''lying bastard .so that child in her womb is part of a business transaction?''

'I don't know what she told you but it's not true ''he said moving closer to me 

''Did you sleep with her ''I asked 

''what ?''

''you deaf or what? DID YOU SLEEP WITH HER?''

''Yes, but...''

 I quickly interrupted him ''No buts just leave.She will be your wife in less than a month there is no need for any explanation ''.

''I came here to tell you the truth and I won't leave until you hear me out ''

''do I look interested  in whatever you have to say ?''

''I love you Rain ! " he breathed loudly .'' man This is hard, "he said out loud ....I ...I didn't know what I fell for you before.I took it as a mere physical attraction but then I started thinking about you always, even when you were far away from me.Coming to look for you at Witherspoon was the best thing I did so far.You don't know how happy I was when I say you even though You clearly didn't feel the same. I'm sorry I hurt you like that.I knew then That I was your first but ....I don't know what caused me to insult you like that, I guess I was fighting the hold you have on me'' 

''You were a total dick and still continue to be .why should I believe this ?''

''You don't have to believe what I feel for you.Just know that in my life I only said I love you to two women: My mom and You. Besides, I called off the engagement.I thought my mom will come here to threaten you some more or something worse, that's why I came to see if you were okay '' he said with concern in his voice.

''I can take care of myself,l...am totally shocked plus speechless this cant be real''I turned away from him breathing heavily.My heart felt as if it wanted to jump out of my chest.  

''So what do you say, forgive me?''

''I will have to think about it. you were my best friends fiance.It feels like betrail to me    ''

"look at me Rain.Don't hide away from me.I know I have put you  in a compromisingly difficult situation but don't let this stop us from being together ''

 ''please!You don't know how it feels .you are not the one who is betraying your friend by being in love with her ex-fiance  ''

''So you do love me '' he said with a smile 

''Argh, shut up !'' I said with a serious expression 

Damien touched my cheeks,''You are beautiful there is no place I would rather be than here ''.I blushed at his first sweet words to me. pulled me in for a long kiss. that kiss led to us ending up naked in the sitting room.I was totally out of breath as Damien penetrated me on the sofa.It felt so right and wrong at the same time.Damien loves me, he truly loves me.I must be dreaming!  we made love until late.This is the best day of my life !tomorrow will difficult when I tell Naomi that Damien and I are in love She will probably smack me around a few times.Is Damien truly worth all the trouble? I thought as I lay asleep with him on the sofa.

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