flee at 18

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Two years later
After my father's death, things became worse.Mom spent days away and when she was home, she was forever in men company.

It's was like I didn't exist. I even had to look for a job to feed myself.

Dad-May his soul rest in peace was the ruled as the perpetrator thus mom's murder charges were reduced to self-defense.

I couldn't take this anymore, I had to go. One of Moms drunk boyfriend once tried to take advantage of me but luckily I escaped and gave that cunt a beating he wouldn't forget, Schmuck! I told mom and she nearly slapped me for apparently telling lies.Inside I was like mom I am 18, don't you think I have bypassed all the lying games already ?but yes just as I predicted she choose her almost rapist of a boyfriend.It hurts but then I got used to it.

I can't live like this always worrying if one of her escorts will sexually assault me.Right there and then I packed my small bag taking as many clothes as I could with the money I have saved from my part-time job and walked just walked not knowing where to go.

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