Hold on: Part 33

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This is the WORSE!  Why did I agree to be the braids maid! There was no way I could say no without giving her a VERY good explanation.Naomi  has been there for me more times than I can count. she has been the sister, true friend that I never had.I'm truly blessed to have her in my life. while Damien is the worse mistake I have ever made.To start off, He is a bloody liar who two timed my friend.He is super grumpy and has no respect for me at all ,he thinks that I'm his personal toy that he can play with whenever it suits him and he has embarrassed me many times than I can remember. I will never choose Damien over Naomi not even if my life depended on it.

Now back to this sticky situation.I have decided to put the past behind me and move on meaning Damien will be erased from my memory.I  have no plans of ever telling Naomi about Damien and I.There is no way I will cause trouble in paradise no matter how small.Naomi seemed so happy and plus she practically told me that she knows of Damien flings and she couldn't care less as long as he comes back home to her.SO MY LIPS ARE Sealed!


Having not slept last night my head was throbbing it was probably because of all the thinking I had to do. I waited until it was half past 7 to drag myself out of the bed to go bath. One glimpse of myself in the bathroom mirror showed a pale, tired girl with swollen red eyes surrounded by dark circles.The reflection brought me to the brink of depression. I simply smiled and told myself that this sadness will be over as soon as I go back to Witherspoon.I miss  Mrs. Lulu and Evelyn so much! I came to think of them as family . I wore the same black jean of yesterday and a fresh pink tank top written Kiss My Ass.OH I can't wait for Jenny to read it, she will probably scold me for my so not sophisticated fashion sense.

I made my way to the Marwick residence.I  had to wait for Jenny for about 20 minutes in the sitting room. She entered holding hands with William. "How nice to see you, dear''. William said as he walked to where I was sitting to come place a kiss on my cheek. ''You look a bit unwell today.I'm so sorry if it had anything to do with yesterday dinner.It was quite a drag.I too am tired ''. I simply smiled and replied " yeah the dinner was quite long .Im just not used to staying up late.Just give me an hour and I will be as good as brand new''.   "that's good to hear.I now have to love and leave you, my two beautiful ladies "  then he left.

''I hope you slept well," Jenny said as we walked toward the car. "Small world isn't? I heard that you and Naomi Norwich are friends.  I fail to understand you  Rain.  You are friends with Naomi who is a well refined young lady but then you insist on acting and dressing like a hippy just look at the writing on your shirt, Totaly offensive!How do you think she was able to trap someone like as Damien?Rain I want you to become a lady.I want to see you married to someone rich like your friend.You think Naomi will continue to be a friend of a loser who can't use her beauty to her advantage? you need to be someone with power and money if you don't want to lose your friend or else you will end up scrapping your friend bathroom ". 

"You want me to turn into a mini you? SORRY, Jenny to disappoint you but I can never marry someone out of interest.I would rather starve and just so you know Naomi is incapable of dropping me because I'm not as rich as her. She is unlike you who only value people because of the size of their bank account.I plan on making a name for myself .aslong as I got my brains and the will I will not suffer.Remeber I was able to thrive when you abandoned me.I survived without your WISE guidance back then and I will continue doing so.So Jenny spare your advice, it's not needed".

"I don't appreciate the tone you address me with.I'm only looking out for your interest but if you don't want me to I won't. It's fine by me if you want to remain a loser your whole life .atleast I tried but you are just as stubborn as your father. I'm just begging that you don't embarrass me to the point that I will regret ever conceiving you''  Jenny said while looking out the window.I simply kept quite to hurt to reply .wanting to get all of this over with so I can get back to my life.

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