Chapter 13: The Astronomy Tower

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Chapter 13: The Astronomy Tower

Draco healed wondrously fast which I was very satisfied with. Blaise and I were talking about it for a few weeks. Blaise was making jokes all about it making me laugh like I was with Fred and George, but it still didn't feel the same when I was with them.

Draco was doing much better now, but still was working on his little project in the room of requirement. I hated that he would go up there leaving me like this.

And then one night, Draco pulled me aside in the corner of the common room while I was studying for one of my exams. He looked at me knowingly, and I knew it was time.

"Please, Draco, I beg of you. . ." I whispered so no one would hear.

"I-I can't, Aquila, he'll kill me. . ." said Draco, slightly scared. I could hear his voice breaking. "I have to do this. It has to be done. I abcs no choice."

"Draco, listen to me, you do have a choice!" I said. "You can run. You don't have to —"

"Please, Eagle. . . Come with me." Draco pulled me along side of him, out of the dungeon and through the corridors. Soon enough, we made it along the steps. The death eaters will be here any minute. And here I am acting like an accomplice. . . No, I will not call myself a traitor.

"Where are we going?" I asked, running by his side.

"Astronomy tower, there Dumbledore'll arrive and I'll kill him." Draco said surely, but he was already having second thoughts by the look on his face. He was doubting himself, thinking of alternatives. We hurried up the many stairs towards the tower, and then entered the room. Draco ordered me to hide a bit of a distance from him as we waited for Dumbledore's entrance. Minutes passed as we waited in silence.

"Expelliarmus!" Draco said once Dumbledore entered the tower. Dumbledore looked over towards Draco. He couldn't see me because I was hiding behind a table.

"Good evening, Draco," said Dumbledore calmly. Draco stepped forward, glancing around quickly.

"Who else is here?" he asked.

"A question I might ask you. Or are you acting alone?" said Dumbledore.

"No," he said. "I've got back up. There are death eaters here in your school tonight."

"Well, well," said Dumbledore. "Very good indeed. You found a way to let them in, didn't you?"

"Yeah," said Draco who was panting. "Right under your nose and you never realized!"

"Ingenious," he said. "Yet. . . Forgive me. . . where are they now? You seem unsupported."

"They met some of your guard. They're having a fight down below. They won't be long. . . I came on ahead. I-I've a job to do."

"Well, then, you must get on and do it, my dear boy," said Dumbledore softy. There was silence for a moment. Draco was hesitating. I could see him fidgeting. Albus smiled at him.

"Draco, Draco, you are not a killer."

"How do you know?" said Draco at once. Because he's right, you idiot. "You don't know what I'm capable of. You don't know what I've done!"

"Oh, yes, I do," said Dumbledore mildly. "You almost killed Katie Bell and Ronald Weasley. You have been trying, with increasing desperation, to kill me all year. Forgive me, Draco, but they have been feeble attempts. . . so feeble, to be honest, that I wonder whether your heart has been really in it."

"It has been in it!" said Draco vehemently. "I've been working on it all year, and tonight —"

In the distance there was a muffled yell. Draco stiffened and looked over his shoulder.

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