Chapter 10: Apparition Lessons

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Chapter 10: Apparation Lessons

After New Years, I came back home so I could get ready to go back to Hogwarts. It was too dangerous to go back to school by train, so we had to use floo powder instead.

Once I was back at Hogwarts in the headmasters office, I headed straight for the dungeons to get all my things ready for lessons in the morning.

When the new term started next morning there was a notice on the common room notice boards. It was Apparition lessons that were going to be held. I was one of the first to sign up right after Blaise and Millicent.

Everyone was going on about the Apparition lessons coming up shortly. I was excited to say so myself. I already knew what it was like since I did it with my dad first when I was a kid and now with Fred all the time. I got pestered a lot with questions because of it. Even though I didn't really need the lessons because of my magic, I still couldn't get very far and it was still too much effort to throw orbs around all day just to get to one specific place. It would be much less handier, pun intended.

Harry's suspensions on Draco were making me nervous. But when did Harry not suspect him? And Harry was right this time around about him being a death eater. I just couldn't confirm that to him knowing it would endanger his life. The one time he actually did something dangerous and stupid, I actually feared for his life. I didn't know what was going to become of him, so I prepared for the worst.

Hermione sat beside me in Potions class, now angry at Harry as well. She wouldn't even talk to them which was becoming more difficult for me. I hated being in the middle of these fights and arguments and constant battles. This is all because of Lavender.

We were doing Golpalott's Third Law potion in class today to create an antidote for the poison. Hermione and I were already preparing before the rest of the class was getting their phials to get started with their potion.

"It's a shame that the Prince won't be able to help you much with this, Harry," Hermione said brightly as she straightened up. "You have to understand the principles involved this time. No short cuts or cheats!"

I did my potion as I glanced over to the boys. They looked absolutely clueless. I wanted to laugh but I kept my mouth shut. Hermione was first with her wand waving over her cauldron with her nonverbal spells probably so the boys couldn't hear it, so I decided I'd play along with her to aggravate Harry and Ron.

Professor Slughorn peered around the room and beamed at Harry's potion before he even came towards us. But when he did, I could see the disappointment expression right from his walrus whiskers that he was very displeased, and probably revolted by the horrible bad egg smell. Harry walked away to get something out of the cupboard.

"Two minutes left, everyone!" Professor Slughorn called out. Crap, I still wasn't finished. And neither was Hermione by chance. We were still trying to cram a few ingredients in.

"Times up!" He called. "Well, let's see how you've done. Blaise, what have you got for me?"

Slowly he moved around the room while I secretly put more ingredients into my cauldron before it was my turn. He reached our table last. He glanced over mine and didn't even look at Hermione's. He sniffed Ernie's potion before and passed onto Ron with a grimace. He was mostly eager to reach Harry.

"And you, Harry," he said. "What have you got to show me?"

He held out his hand with a bezoar in his palm. Slughorn looked at it for about ten seconds before howling with laughter. What's so funny? Because he completely messed up and didn't do his potion?

"You've got nerve, boy!" he boomed as he took the bezoar and showed it to the class. "Oh, you're like your mother. . . well, I can't fault you. . . a bezoar would certainly act as an antidote to all these potions!"

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