Chapter 9: A Very Frosty Christmas

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Chapter 9: A Very Frosty Christmas

I was visiting at the Weasley's for the holidays during Christmas. I enjoyed every moment of it as the first minute I got there, I never left Fred's side. We were always touching or either always in the same room.

I was trying to help Fred get some carrots for the Christmas dinner except a garden gnome bit Fred's ankle, causing a howling laughter from George and me. We ended up using the garden gnome for the angel on top of the Christmas tree. It was painted gold and looked very ugly.

Mrs. Weasley put on some jazzy Christmas music on that I thought was kind of cool, but she kept turning the volume up when Phlegm kept trying to talk over the music because she hated it. It was annoying really, her boyfriend wasn't bothered by it at all. I didn't understand how he could handle her. I guess everyone is still trying to get used to her like the Weasley's do with everyone else. But I was unsure. I didn't know how to feel about her. It wasn't anything bad of a feeling. She's just weird. Not a Luna Lovegood weird either.

I was playing exploding snap with Fred, George, and Ginny to drown out the music and the annoying girlfriend of Bill's. My brother was talking to Remus, who seemed to be very deep in conversation. They looked like old friends, but my brother was more around Bill's or Charlie's age.

It was time to go to bed when Fleur tried to imitate the song that was just playing. Canaan slept with all the boys while I had to deal with Fleur ranting in Ginny's room about how awful the music was downstairs. Ginny and I tried our best to ignore her and go to sleep.

That Christmas morning, I woke up to find my stocking full of presents. Mrs. Weasley made me a new sweater with a beautiful snow globe knitted on the front which I absolutely adored. I got my paycheck from the twins from their joke shop, which was very good of what I earned, I thought. Fred had given me a new Butterbeer Chapstick which I needed dearly and some other things involving it including everlasting gum flavor of butterbeer which I wanted to chew immediately but decided to wait till after breakfast. My brother had put in some things like books he thought I might enjoy and some trinkets to play with for my powers which I thought was really neat.

Everybody was wearing their Christmas sweater for the lunch except for Fleur, which I suspected Mrs. Weasley didn't make to waste her time on a gift for her.

Fred and I were the last ones to make it to lunch as we was trying to get ready. Well, actually, Fred and I shared a bit of Christmas in his bed room. Nothing wrong, I promise. It was just us two eating chocolates and candies and him holding onto me as we were in deep conversations. We were snuggled up against each other on the small twin size bed. We snogged for a bit and laughed at everything and nothing before deciding to head down to lunch.

We went down right as Ginny was pulling out a maggot in Harry's hair.

"'Ow 'orrible," said Fleur with an affected shutter.

"Yes, isn't it?" said Ron. "Gravy, Fleur?" He ended up knocking the gravy boat flying but Bill came to the rescue before the gravy splattered and returned it to the bowl.

"You are as bad as zat Tonks," said Fleur to Ron after kissing Bill in thanks. "She is always knocking —"

"I invited dear Tonks to come along today," said Mrs. Weasley as she settled down the carrots with unnecessary force as she glared at Fleur. "She wouldn't come. Have you spoken to her lately, Remus?"

"No, I haven't been in contact with anybody very much," he said. "But Tonks has got her own family to go to, hasn't she?"

"Hmmm," said Mrs. Weasley. "Maybe I got the impression she was planning to spend Christmas alone, actually."

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