Chapter 6: Silver and Opals

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Chapter 6: Silver and Opals

The week's rolled by quickly as October came by soon enough where I was craving butterbeer. It's been so long since I've last had it since I don't get it very often. My butterbeer lip balm was missing as I had lost it sometime in June. I was yearning for another one. I've been invited more often to Slughorn's parties that Hermione and I attend together. We enjoyed the food so much it so was hard to miss.

I was so ready to get to Hogsmeade that I was practically bouncing with excitement to get by that the stupid sensory thing for dark magic poking all over didn't bother me. I couldn't find my friends anywhere, so hopefully they would find me. I saw that Zonko's was boarded up. I frowned knowing that this trip wasn't intended to have any fun around. How dreadfully boring.

I knew where I was heading in the first place as I wanted to get some delicious butterbeer to brighten my day. I walked into the Three Broomsticks to get myself a jar full of my favorite drink in the world. I took a seat in the far corner away from everyone and stayed by myself for the day. I looked around at everyone talking amongst themselves and having laughs between jokes and conversations. I sighed to myself, staring at the dusty window that probably hasn't been cleaned in years.

Why do I feel so lonely surrounded by a crowd of people? What's wrong with me? Ever since Sirius — it's going down hill for me. Why can't I just be happy?

I decided to leave the place feeling too depressed and needed a breathe of cool refreshing air which felt like ice to other people. I saw a man selling stuff with things of the ground. I decided to take a look to find something interesting. Some looked very familiar, but I couldn't place my finger on it.

"What're you doing with these? Are you selling them?" I asked as I peered at the expensive trinkets. It had a crescent on it and then I realized, the familiarity it showed and I instantly knew that these didn't belong to him. I stared at the man before he could respond. "YOU'RE A THIEF!"

"What? No — that's preposterous — I wouldn't steal —"

"You stole this from Sirius' house! You stole these! How dare you!" I shouted at the man taking the case away from him. I pushed the man to the ground where he cowered underneath me. "YOU'RE A LITTLE THIEF! NICKING MY UNCLE'S STUFF LIKE IT MEANS NOTHING! HOW DARE YOU! WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?" I pulled out my wand and pointed it at the man.

"Wait — please!"

"Oh shut it, you lying little thief! You don't deserve to defend yourself! You were shown mercy for the Order and here you are now betraying them! The Order! My family! My uncle!" I said loudly kicking him hard in the leg after each sentence.

"Aquila! What on earth are you doing?" I turned to see Hermione and Harry and Ron chasing after me. I heard a sound and turned back to see he had disappeared. Ugh! He's gone. I was still clutching onto the case of the silver goblets.

"Who was that? What's going on?" Ron panted from running.

"Mundungus," I said staring at the spot where he vanished.

"What was he doing here?" Harry said curiously.

"Selling these," I turned to them and opened the case to show Sirius' silver goblets. "It's the Black's silver goblets that he deliberately stole." Harry has an expression that looked like he was pissed. He closed the case and jerked it from me as he walked away.

"Where're you going, Harry?" asked Ron loudly.

"Back to Hogwarts," he said where we began to follow him.

"That no good, traitorous man," I began ranting. We ended up following Katie Bell and a friend out the pub. "I swear if I ever see him again I'll —"

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