Chapter 8: The Christmas Party

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Chapter 8: The Christmas Party

Now that Lavender and Ron were together, it was deemed awkward as their lips were always touching and their hands were always grabbing. I couldn't take it as I bid Harry good luck for him to deal with it on his own. I had Hermione to worry about, and Draco too now as he wasn't doing very well. I knew I had to confront him soon about it because it was scaring me about not knowing.

I joined Hermione in the library in our free time as Harry would join as well as he could not handle Ron and Lavender all over each other, or that hideous caterpillar that Ron has for a mustache. I wanted to take a razor and just shave it off in one go. I hated it and it honestly made him look so stupid. I wasn't the one who was thinking it either.

I wanted to invite Fred to the Christmas party that Slughorn was holding in a few nights but I couldn't invite him since he doesn't attend Hogwarts and not like it would've mattered anyways because they would've graduated even if they didn't quit school, leaving me in the dark not knowing who to ask.

In transfiguration class, we were to be changing the colors of our eyebrows with the mirrors provided in front of us which I thought was a very cool lesson. Hermione was making fun of Ron's mustache which I thought was ridiculous of him having and I got a good laugh out of it after I changed my eyebrows bright pink. Ron imitated her by jumping up and down trying to answer a question to Professor McGonagall. I thought it went too far in my book.

I was sitting with Hermione during lunch away from Ron and Harry and Lavender, while Harry was trying to avoid them being all over each other constantly, which wasn't working because of their friendship. I felt so bad for him for having to sit through all of that.

"Oh! Hi, Hermione! Aquila!" We turned to see Parvati grinning at us.

"Hi, Parvati!" Hermione and I said and grinned at the same tone.

"Are you going to Slughorn's party tonight?" asked Hermione.

"No invite," she said gloomily. "I'd love to go though, it sounds like it's going to be really good. . . You're going, aren't you?"

"Yep!" I said with a smile.

"Yes, I'm meeting Cormac at eight, and we're going to the party together." Hermione said. I heard Ron choking on something as I glanced in his direction when Hermione mentioned who she was going with.

"Cormac?" asked Parvati. "Cormac McLaggen, you mean?"

"That's right," she said sweetly. "The one who almost became a Gryffindor keeper."

"Are you going out with him then?" she asked wide eyed.

"Oh — yes — didn't you know?" Hermione giggled in a way that was very unlike of her. I knew her motive was to make Ron jealous, and by the look of it, it was working splendidly by his reaction.

"No!" Parvati said. "Wow. You really like your Quidditch players, don't you? First, Dimitar, then McLaggen."

"I like really good Quidditch players," Hermione corrected her smiling. I wanted to smirk at her for her doings because Ron could hear every word and was getting more pissed by each word she said. Oh how I was loving this. "Well, see you. . . Got to go and get ready for the party. Come on, Aquila, we can't have our boys waiting."

"Who're you going with, Aquila?" Parvati asked me.

"Oh, you know, a girl can't kiss and tell," I said winking before walking with Hermione. I cringed at myself as we walked away from the table. Truth is, I hadn't found anyone to go with me. There was no one to take with me that was on friendly terms. But it wasn't like they had to know I was going alone.

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