Chapter 14: The Flight of the Prince

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Chapter 14: Flight of the Prince

I stood in place for the longest moment. I didn't know how to feel or react to what had just happened. Snape, Draco, and the death eaters left the room. Dumbledore was dead. If the spell didn't kill him surely the long fall had. I didn't want to believe it. But how — how could I not?

Suddenly, out of nowhere, Harry appeared out of nothing and bolted towards the door. I glanced at him, as he wasn't aware of my presence.

"Harry. . ." I breathed just as his bright green eyes flickered toward mine. He stopped in place questionably.

"Here long were you —?"

"The whole time," I said quickly. "I-I tried to stop him. I didn't know Snape was going to. . ."

He took off, leaving me behind at the astronomy tower to follow the others. I didn't know what to do or where to go. If I followed Draco I was going to be killed, but if I stayed here I'd be known as a coward. I didn't know what to do.

I slowly walked towards the edge of the tower, seeing Dumbledore's lifeless body on the ground meters below. I saw in the distance of Snape and Draco running away from the scene, but then, Draco went another way quickly, next to gardens.

I didn't know what he was doing or why he was departing from Snape. It was rather odd. Why would he be going to the gardens? What was there that I couldn't see?

"DRACO, WHAT ON EARTH ARE YOU —?" Snape yelled, still running towards the gate.

"Go on! I've got something to do! It'll only take a moment!" Draco shouted, continuing to run through the garden furthering himself from Snape and the castle. Snape took off once again leaving him behind, most likely hoping he'd soon catch up to him.

My body twisted around in the spark of a snowflake as I emerged feet away from Draco who looked scared and very anxious. All I could smell was vegetables and fertilizer.

"Draco, what are you —?"

He pushed himself into me and pressed his lips to mine, kissing me with passion as tears fled from his eyes. He pulled away, not before kissing my forehead quickly and brushing his hand through my white hair.

"I'm so sorry, Aquila . . . hopefully we'll see each other again." Draco said with a broken smile on his face.

"What do you mean? Are you leaving? Where're you going?" I asked with raging questions.

"I'll be gone for a while," he said but he clearly sounded uncertain. "Just promise me one thing. . ."

"What is it?" I asked eagerly. This was all going so fast paced and rushed. I just wanted a longer moment with him.

"Promise me. . . promise no matter what. . . no matter anything. . . you'll come back to me. No matter what happens to me or you or - or anyone."

"I promise, Draco," I said quickly.

His lips met mine once again, which were more tender and honest this time. The kiss was rushed as he quickly pulled himself away.

"Farewell, my Eagle." Draco took off quickly before I could register what was happening.

"Draco? What — I — don't. . ." I said sadly. "Don't leave me here all alone like this. . ." But he was gone and could not hear my pleading cries for him to stay.

I didn't know what all was happening at the time. My friends still needed my help. I hadn't seen if they were ok or not. I headed back towards the school, but I saw ahead of me that two death eaters were approaching closing in on me. Oh no.

Complete and Utter Hogwash (Book 5)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang