Chapter 12: Sectumsempra

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Chapter 12: Sectumsempra

I've had enough of it. After classes one evening I confronted Draco before dinner about what was going on and he ended up crying in my arms. He was obviously broken down from stress, that I knew. It was written all over his face.

He was desperately asking for my help. He couldn't do it anymore all by himself. He was forcing Crabbe and Goyle to drink Polyjuice Potion as little girls to cover for him. I thought it was absolutely absurd when I heard it, but he was only speaking the truth. There was no way of denying that. And when I recalled those times of the girls that hung around him, it did start to make sense.

In all honesty, a sense of relief wavered over me. Weight was lifted off of my shoulders. I was glad that the girls were only his stupid morons as friends in disguise.

It was going badly. He looked thinner and paler. He was losing more and more sleep because of his mission and it concerned me greatly. I was more scared for him than ever. He didn't want to do this. He didn't want to be apart of it. He just wanted a normal life, but he wasn't getting that at all. He was forced in this situation, and there wasn't much I could do to help out with him. 

It was Potions class in the afternoon with only Draco, Ernie, Harry, and me. Hermione and Ron and half of the Hogwarts students in our grade were taking their Apparition exams. I wasn't upset about it since I could Appariate on my own with my orbs. It didn't bother me that much like it did with some of the other students.

"All too young to Apparate just yet?" said Slughorn genially at the beginning of class. "Not turning seventeen yet?" We shook our heads.

"Ah well," said Slughorn cheerfully, "as we're a few, we'll do something for fun. I want you all to brew me up something amusing!"

"That sounds good, sir," said Ernie rubbing his hands together. Boy you better stop that weirdness. You freaky. 

"What do you mean 'something amusing?'" said Draco.

"Oh, surprise me," Slughorn said airily. 

I opened my textbook and looked for a potion to brew for class, not knowing what to make to show off to the professor. I glanced over at Draco, who seemed irritated. I knew he'd rather try to find what he was looking for, but he was getting agitated by being stuck here in Potion classes.

I ended up making a potion of my own because I hadn't had anything else better to think of. So I made a solution of my own. Ernie got the same idea as me, but his wasn't turning up as great as he hoped.

My potion was to change hair color willingly through the potion, an idea that sprung to me thanks to Tonks. I looked at Draco's who seemed to be doing well. Harry, of course, did brilliantly like always. Once class was over, I bagged up my potion by bottling it and storing it in my bag as I left class with an admired Professor who's old white hair turned a bright neon green which he laughed heartedly about.

I made my ways around the corridors hoping to find something interesting to do. I was a little bored. I ended up going to the dungeons to the common room to sit on the sofa where Pansy was throwing a bit of a fit because Draco wasn't paying as much attention to her as she liked. I didn't care about her stupid feelings. Blaise Zabini somehow ended up sitting on the sofa near me, sparking up a bit of a conversation.

It was definitely odd for him to be talking to me, as we never really spoke much to each other before. In this case, he was much more friendly towards me than he ever was. I liked this side about him. However, in the end, because of our deep conversations that lead to several hours in the morning, we ended up as friends. It was surprisingly nice to say the least. We talked about my first year at Hogwarts and how I killed the basilisk, which he admired about me. I thought it was stunning of him to think of me in such a way.

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