Thank You

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I woke up this morning to see the story has finally hit 3k. Thank you all so much! I thought as a treat for this occasion, I'd give you a small update on the progress of Book Two.

I hope you enjoyed the rocky road of being a Child of Zeus. (Haha, get it? Hope? I'll stop.)

I've teamed up with the amazing Ronnie (IG @fictional.cosplay) in order to complete Child of Hades - she's given me a character I think you'll enjoy as much as I do. I'm currently writing the story as of now, and hope to have my Beta readers approve it and get it published ASAP.

Here's the important bit, though. Do you like these long chapters, or should I make them shorter?

Also - would you like an exert from Child of Hades as well, like you saw at the beginning of this book?

Thank you so much for sticking around until the end of your story. It means so much to me! Thank you for your votes, you comments, your screaming at me at the end. You guys rock.

Thank you for being my hero.

Child of Zeus {Interactive Story} (PJO/HOO/TOA)Where stories live. Discover now