THIRTY-THREE: Taking Care Of Business

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"It's three thirty here, June 22nd the day after the solstice." Diana told us. We'd accepted bus passes from the secretary Grenda after pulling down our photos, and were on our way to the Empire State Building, the last stop before home. "That means it's almost midnight in Russia. Hm, can't believe I slept for ten hours on that airplane."

"I told you you were tired." I noted, fixing the Pithos so it was very comfortably resting on my lap.  I traced its grooves and bumps with my finger.

"Chiron's gotta know it's all good by now," Johnny added. "It's the next day and the world hasn't blown up."

"Not necessarily," Diana shook her head, frowning. "He might know that the Pithos hasn't been opened, but for all he thinks we could be dead on top of Mount Elbrus right now."

The thought made a chill run along my spine. "As soon as we get to the Empire State Building, we can duck into a bathroom and--"

"Too crowded." Diana shook her head. "Think of all the tourists. And we need to get up to Olympus as soon as possible. We're back in America - where most monsters reside. Pandora isn't with you anymore, which means monsters are already in your scent."

"Right." I nodded solemnly. "On Olympus then. There has to be a fountain somewhere."

"Our stop," Johnny announced, standing and limping along in his fake shoes. I followed him out, and he stopped to turn to me as soon as we stepped off.

"When we were walking to Elbrus, I said I smelled a monster. I said the smell was coming from you. Was that Pandora?"

"Must've been." I agreed, and we made our way towards one of the most famous landmarks in New York. "Why?"

"Dunno. Just thinking." He shrugged, pulling his bag tighter over his shoulders. "Need help with the jar?"

I shook my head, holding it tighter to my chest. For some reason I felt I should be the only one to carry it. Of course I didn't have that luxury when I was unconscious, but I'd grown rather protective of it since. I wouldn't let it out of my sight until Zeus had it somewhere safe and sound.


When we got inside the lobby of the Empire State Building, my chest got tight with panic. But the onset of a claustrophobia attack ended there, Johnny promising everything would be okay. The lobby was full of people waiting to go up the elevator to the viewing gallery. I pushed past a couple of tourists to speak to the guy at the front desk.

"Olympus, please." I told him. Johnny bleated.

"She means: tickets to the six hundreth floor, please."

Without lifting an eye above the marble desk to look at us, he said "No such thing, kids. Scram."

Diana leaned haphazardly against the desk. The guy was in a blue uniform, stringy black hair hidden under a matching hat. His face was young and angry, like he had been asked this question so many times. He strummed his fingers against the marble as he looked up to see what Diana had to say.

"We need to go up to see the big guy,"

"No one sees Zeus without an appointment." He rolled his eyes. I wondered if he were anything like Charon - waiting for a tip of drachmas.

"Well, you know, we could just wait here in the lobby. With the Pithos. This Pithos," Diana pointed to the ceramic jar I was holding. "Pandora's Pithos. You know the one - open it and all the plagues are released into the world."

But he still wasn't budging.

"Not to mention," Johnny quickly added, jabbing a thumb in my direction. "Zeus is her dad. She must cause quite a powerful scent, so I'm sure the monsters'll be here in no time."

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