THIRTY-ONE: Lightning

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Very special shoutout to @The_Names_Pxel (who now knows a secret about the future of this book, that may even happen in this chapter...). Also whom I met on one of my favourite people's live streams on instagram (hmu mine's elsa._.noelle) and is generally my favourite Irish person who enjoys dolphins. RAD! Enjoy reading this with your knowledge. And to everyone else, enjoy.

As hard as I could try, I could never tell you exactly how it felt to use lightning, to make it bend to match your every whim.

It started with a pang in your gut. The pressure slowly growing until you felt it would consume you. As the lightning streaked downward, you could just barely manoeuvre it towards your target. Because I had so little energy, or maybe because that's how it was, black spots danced over my vision.

I smelled the charred scent before I heard Prometheus cry out. Though the lightning had stopped coming down from the clear sky, I could still feel the weight of the power surging through me. I turned my head to face Prometheus.

Like a snake, the lightning coiled itself around the chain Diana had thrown just in time, making it look alive. Prometheus had crumpled to the ground at the immediate strike. Along his left shoulder towards the small of his black ran a deep, smoking burn. The charred titan flesh was spotted with ichor threatening to spill. He was slowly pulling himself up.

Control it, Zeus and Pandora whispered in unison. Control the chain.

My vision was still splochy, and my mouth tasted metallic. Diana, sword in hand, ran to my side. She egged on the same message from my father and my possesser.

"Whatever you're doing to that chain, don't stop! Use it to bind Prometheus to the rock! Hurry, Y/N, before he gets up..." She was watching me palely, and I noticed she was clutching her stomach like it hurt. She held her "very unbalanced" sword up as if shielding me from the threat still pulling himself off the ground.

Despite what they were telling me, I couldn't do anything. My eyes were threatening to close. The lightning started flickering like it was about to die out.

"Y/N!" Diana pleaded. "Please, you can do this. You can do this!"

I stretched out my right arm, trying hard not to groan. I could do this. I could do this if it killed me. I felt Diana's hand on mine, her sword resting next to my leg.

She whispered small encouragements but seemed like she was about to cry. If I waited another second, the lightning would be gone, Prometheus would be on his feet, and we'd officially be done for.

The lightning pulsed stronger, and the chain started to wind its way around Prometheus, like the clasps were getting ready to close around his ankles and wrists.

I thought of Johnny, oblivious to his surroundings as he lay by our bags. I didn't see how he went down, but I knew he fought bravely. Diana, towering above me, misty eyed. She was scared, scared she'd fail this quest like she did the last - that we'd all be dead, and with us the world. 

The first clasp bound his right wrist. He screamed, the lightning burning him, and dropped back to his knees.

"No! Stop!" He cried, red eyes rapidly moving between the chain coiling around him and me, lying on the ground.

I thought of Chiron, and how worried he was the last time I saw him. I hoped he slept since, but it was more likely he hadn't. It was past noon, but I knew he was still worrying about us - he'd be waiting for an Iris Message until he gave camp the all clear. For his age, he must've been in this position a lot. It never got easier.

The second clasp burried itself around Prometheus' left wrist. His wrists were smoking, his expression had changed from pain to anger.

"Not again! No!" He attempted to take a step forward, but I willed the lightning to give him a shock and he sunk once more to his knees.

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