SIX: *Cue Training Compelation and Eye of the Tiger Music*

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After Johnny and Chiron left me to my own devises, I received my timetable and got arranged in my bunk bed (literally all I did was put the timetable in the trunk at the foot of my bed and the pillow pet on my bed), when a conch shell blew and Freddy announced that it was time for lunch.

Lee still hadn't made it back from the bathrooms, so we marched on without him.


I glanced around at every different table, each having a white tablecloth with purple trim. Most were empty. Campers sat in small groups or alone at tables beside some with kids or isolated completely from the group.

Johnny was sitting at a table with a dozen other satyrs (who must've been somewhere else while I was going around on my tour, because I didn't see them). Freddy told me that that was the Dionysus table.

Thomas and Freddy then took turns pointing out the few campers who were here - there were seventeen of us in total now - by addressing the table at which they sat.

"See that boy with the mirror? Eric, son of Aphrodite and only current Aphrodite camper. It's literally never been only one before - it's usually at least five. And he only just got here."

"Athena table - Diana, Jordan, Mike."

"Iris table - Donnie and Daniel, twins."

"Hecate table (aka the ones who hooked us up with the pellets) - Fiona, Tina."

"That mean-looking guy? Ares table - Ryder."

"Hades table - Angeline."

"Apollo table - Terra."

"That hottie? Hephaestus table - Eleo." Thomas gave a dreamy look that Freddy immediately responded to by slapping his friend across the face.

"Hebe table - Brandon."

"I've got this one," I told them jokingly. "Hermes table - Idiots one and two, Lee, and the fabulous Y/N."

Freddy and Thomas applauded, hollered, and whooped so loud that other tables looked at us funny.

"She's real quick to catch on." Freddy said. "Head table, as you can probably see, is only Chiron. Occasionally he sits with others, but not often."

"Why don't the campers just move tables so they aren't alone. Why can't Johnny come sit with me?" I asked curiously. "Nobody would have to be lonely and I'd have my best furry friend here."

"Johnny can come sit here, satyrs can sit wherever they want. Usually though, they stick to the Dionysus table. As for us moving around? There's a rule against it. Very offensive to the gods if you don't sit at your proper table. Ah, here comes the food."


Food was a wondrous thing.

Green- and brown-skinned women Thomas informed me were wood nymphs brought trays of food around to every table.

One came around with a plater of barbecue style meats. Two others brought fruit, and bread and cheese.

I ended up with three sausages, fresh bread and cheese, strawberries, grapes, and apple slices.

"Is another nymph going to come around with drinks?" I asked.

"No, that's a special case on its own." Thomas smiled. "Grab your cup. Okay, good. Now, tell it what you want."

"Excuse me?" I asked. I wondered if they were breaking their 'no-pranks-on-their-first-day rule' by trying to make me look like an idiot.

"Watch," Freddy said, probably noticing my hesitance. He picked up his own goblet, and said clearly: "Mountain Dew." Before my eyes his glass filled to the brim with the green liquid, and he smiled and took a sip before motioning for me to follow.

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