TWENTY-FOUR: Agra, Attica, and Diana does a Curtsey

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Sorry I have been inactive on this story - I know a lot of you have been PMing me about continuing. Here is the next instalment. I'm not sure when the next will be out though - I just got a lead role in a big production and there are going to be a lot of lines to memorize. Plus there is tons of homework I have to do. Anyway, enjoy! :)

I'd never seen an island more beautiful in my life.

We landed on the golden sand trailing off into the ocean, admiring the stunning little village not to far off the coast. A dense forest separated the homey town from a small castle just visable above the tree tops.

Almost immediately after we crossed from sandy shores to hard land, villagers who looked like they belonged in pioneer times starting milling out of their little cottages and farmsteads. In front of the forest's beginnings, Greek porticos and temples hung long and low; like Poseidon's cabin back at camp. From where we stood, I couldn't see the types of offerings there, so I wasn't sure who the temples were for. Most of the light came from braisers in the temple, but most of the homes seemed to have fires running as well.

Our trio kept walking, until we came to the first cottage to be greeted by the eight-year-old girl who was waiting at the door.

"Hi there, little girl." Johnny took a step in her direction, obviously making the first move to show that he was friendly. But the girl backed away, expressionless. Johnny stopped walking forward, and looked back at us to shrug.

"We aren't going to hurt you," Diana chided. By now we'd peaked the other villagers's interests; enough to get them out of their own doorways and walking towards town square, less than three houses away.

"We're on a journey, and we lost our supplies. Do you know where we can go to get some more?"

Then the girl disappeared back into her house.

"Guys, I think something weird is going on..." Johnny muttered.

I wondered if he was talking about the dozens of townsfolk watching us silently from the town square, or the ninja skirting past them without being seen, making its way toward us.

Evidently, it was the ninja.

I drew my weapon, stepping in front of my friends. Diana's sword had been lost with the bags, having currently been in her own, and Johnny didn't really have a weapon in the first place.

"What kind of monster are you?" I asked.

The ninja shook its head, and reached to pull of its mask. Red curls in a tight ponytail fell over the girl's shoulder, and dark eyes reflected my own startled face as I sheathed my leaf-shaped dagger.

Her faced was smudged with green and gold dust, like eyeshadow applied in all the wrong places. Why she was in a more-or-less modern black ninja suit where the rest of the town were still trapped in peasant times, I wasn't sure, but she looked almost as badass as Diana.

"Okay, not a monster."

"Don't rule it out," Diana said, but I knew she didn't think this girl was actually a monster. She must've been eighteen, and she looked down at me fiercely.

"ἀκολουθέω." She spoke in heavy ancient greek, and I magically understood her word; follow.

"Maybe that isn't a good idea..." Johnny had a hand on my shoulder.

The red-head shoved her thumb over her shoulder, and we followed it back to the town square, where the townsfolk had finally got the idea that they should stop standing still and start walking towards us.

"Maybe it is." Diana said hastily.

The ninja slipped her mask back on, then started slipping past the townsfolk once again.

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