TWENTY-EIGHT: Angsty Teen Gets Branded

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Summer school is over (after exams on Monday, that is) and so, I am finally on my way to Camp Half Blood...

In my sudden anger, I left the beach. I didn't go far - I didn't know how much salve I had - but I walked far enough away that I couldn't see my friends any more. Wet and fuming, I sat down on the dirt far enough away from a cottage that I didn't feel uncomfortable. Every once and a while, a group of two or three myrmekes would walk by, and begrudgingly I'd stare at them - just because I could - and I wanted to scream.

You try to reason with my brother's people, my headache grew, ever-persistent since I started talking smack about the almighty Zeus. Worse, you try to reason with my brother's people by HUMILIATING YOUR FATHER AND YOURSELF? Are you surprised your blatant acts did not work? You have failed your quest, your name, your FATHER.

I closed my eyes, but I couldn't control my anger. I guess I got that from him. "If it's that easy to humiliate you, then I guess that's your fault."

I can do a lot worse than a headache, as if to illustrate his point, my eyes got blurry and I felt like I was about to pass out - light headed, nauseous, and then suddenly there was a searing pain in the palm of my hand, like lightning had hit it and lit it on fire. I hadn't realized I was screaming until I found myself lying on the dirt, Johnny above me, screaming my name.

As quick as it had come, the nauseousness and headache disappeared, but my hand was still searing hot.

"Y/N! Holy Apollo what happened? You left and I couldn't find you and then Aegina said -- then you screamed! Y/N, Y/N please tell me you can hear me! Oh gods, maybe I should've called Diana..."

I took in his blond hair. The small hint of horns peaking out from the shaggy curls. The wisp of a goatee ironically growing on his chin. Johnny, my best friend, was a different person from the day of the volleyball game. Nervous because he smelled a monster, but called it nachos so I could live my less-than-perfect lie for a little while longer. At camp I got mad at him for sitting at a table with his friends; friends he hadn't seen in a long time because he'd been babysitting me. He was so selfless and I was so selfish - even in the stupid ant cave, when I was wallowing in my own fear of tight spaces when he was afraid of being underground, and he was helping me.

But Johnny wasn't the scared little ball of nerves I knew at Dorriane Middle School. Johnny was more confident than ever, stronger, ready for a fight, ready to constantly protect me. He watched me with eyes as wild as his heart. Johnny would be leaving to find more demigods in schools that started earlier in the year or at summer schools and I wouldn't have him to myself anymore.

He always put me first, in everything he did. And I was here arguing with my deadbeat dad. I looked at my right hand, the pain had subsided but there was a null pulsing on my palm where it had stuck. Near my wrist, under my thumb, was the greek zeta symbol. The letter Z. Trying my best to ignore the mockery, I stood up on my own beside a very frantic Johnny. He always put me first. It was my turn, and I'd have to start by going back to the water nymph. No was not an acceptable answer.

"Are you okay," Johnny asked me again, blue eyes searching mine for an answer. "Please, Y/N, talk to me. I can clearly see something's wrong. All those things you said about Zeus - what's that about?"

"Johnny," I said, smiling softly at him. "You're amazing." he blushed, but his look of conviction wasn't wavering. I couldn't lie to him. "But we need to talk about this later."

He wasn't happy with my answer as he followed me back to the dock where I'd dropped my bag before storming off. I walked right past it as I made my way to Agra's side, pushing past Diana to get a clear audience with Aegina, who was looking at me rather playfully like her splashing me with a wave was her playing a game.

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