TWO: Johnny Explains Me a Thing

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"I need to stop!" I shouted. We'd been running through the woods for almost a kilometre, and because I wasn't the most athletic person, my lungs burned and my heart hammered against my chest.

Johnny, who'd been darting ahead of me like he'd been made to run fast (which was weird because of his whole leg-problem thing), came to a stop in front of me.

I sat down on the damp dirt and leaves and twigs of the forest floor and heaved until I caught my breath again.


He turned to look at me with his brown eyes. He had his bag strung over one shoulder. His brown coat was gone. His green muscle shirt was ripped. I wondered if Panther Vandal had done that.

"What...what was all that? Those people, they turned into animals? And that sword...oh, that sword!"

"We really shouldn't stop," Johnny looked nervous and squeamish. "I don't want to stay in this forest longer then I have to."

"I'm not getting up off this ground until you explain me a thing!"

"If you used correct grammar, maybe I would."


He put his hands up in surrender, and took a seat on the ground in front of me, putting his bag beside him.

"Okay, I'll try and give you the short version." He started, rubbing the whiskers on his chin with his hand. "You know the Greek gods we're learning about in English class?"

"Vaguely." I admitted. I didn't really pay attention during class, but I knew the basics. "Like, about that guy who ate his kids, uh, Kronos?"

Johnny looked around like someone would jump out at us. "Yeah," he agreed.

"Anyway, they're real. And you're the daughter of one of them. A god, I mean. Not a Titan. Not Kronos. And those panthers? They're called Vandari. They usually never come out of Tartarus, and they've been blotted out of Greek myths for...complicated reasons. Anyway, that sword was a gift from my great-uncle, Grover. He was the satyr that found Pan. Though, I guess you don't know who that is, do you? Never mind, I'm getting off topic."

I tried to focus on that. Johnny was telling me that the Greek gods were real? On any other day, I would've called him crazy. But today, after everything that I just saw...I guess until I found a better explanation, I'd just stick with this one.

"But, daughter of one of the Greek gods?" I asked.

"Yes." Johnny nodded, opening his school bag. "One of your parents is a god."

"One of my parents? Johnny, you've met my Mom and Dad! They're the most ungodly people ever! They eat at Montana's, and they can barely hold golf-clubs much less spears! Neither of them fit that description."

"Uh, how do I explain this." He pulled out a bag of brownies. "It's like when a bird lays an egg in another bird's nest...uh, no, wait. You know how sometimes, parents have kids but can't keep them, hang on. Uh,"

My face felt hot when I got what he meant. "You're saying that I'm adopted?"

"Definitely by one." He opened the baggie and held out a brownie for me to take. "Maybe both."

"I don't want a stupid brownie!" I yelled, slapping it off his palm. I put my head in my hands and tried not to let the fact that my world was falling apart get to me.

"They aren't brownies." Johnny put a hand on my back. "They'll help heal your cut."

I'd almost forgotten that one of the panthers had got me just below the rib cage. It didn't hurt.

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